脑卒中急性期和非急性期康复疗效及其相关性研究 |
曾海辉 燕铁斌 黄利荣
摘要 目的:探讨康复治疗对急性期和非急性期脑卒中患者的效果,以及运动功能改善和日常生活活动能力(ADL)改善之间的关系。方法:住院脑卒中患者116例,分别采用Fugl-Meyer和Barthel指数评定患者入院和出院时的运动功能和ADL能力。结果:①康复治疗对脑卒中改善患者运动功能和ADL能力的疗效显著(除洗澡项P=0.002,其他P<0.001)。②急性康复组在ADL总分和平地行走项得分,Fugl-Meyer评定中的腕手、下肢项得分均高于非急性康复组,P<0.05。③运动功能的改善和ADL能力呈正相关。结论:不论是急性期和非急性期的脑卒中患者,正规的康复治疗均能有效地改善患者的运动功能和ADL能力,但急性期康复的疗效优于非急性期组。治疗过程中可依据运动功能恢复的程度有针对性地进行相关ADL训练。 关键词 康复治疗;脑卒中;运动功能;日常生活活动能力
Effects of rehabilitation and the relationship between improvement of motor function and ADL on acute and non-acute stage stroke patients
ZENG Haihui,YAN Tiebin,HUANG Lirong Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine,1999,14(5):210~212
Abstract Objective:To observe effects of rehabilitation and the relationship between improvement of motor function and ADL on acute and non-acute stage stroke patients.Method:116 cases receiving rehabilitation therapy of stroke patients were divided into two groups: acute rehabilitation(n=73) and non-acute(n=22).Fugl-Meyer scale and Barthel Index were used to assess motor functions and ADL at admission and at discharge. Result:①The effectiveness of rehabilitation therapy to stroke patients was significant in both groups (Bath item P=0.002, others P<0.001).②The improvement of the acute rehabilitation group was better than non-acute rehabilitation group in walk and total ADL score、hand and leg item in F-M scale (P<0.05).③Significant relationships were identified between motor functions and ADL in both groups.Conclusion:The effectiveness of neurodevelopment by facilitation therapy to stroke patients was significant, the earlier rehabilitation ,the better result. Training ADL could be base on the recovery of motor functions. Author′s address Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine,Sun-Yat Sen Memorial Hospital,510120 Key words Rehabilitation therapy;Stork;Motor functions;Activities of daily life
脑卒中是中老年人的常见病、多发病,致残率高达70%~85%〔1〕。以神经发育促进技术为主的综合康复疗法能显著地改善[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 三梯杠康复练功器治疗脑血管病关节废用综合征 下一个医学论文: 脑卒中患者下肢运动功能 活动能力与站立稳定性的相关研究