原发性肝癌的螺旋CT双期增强特征及其诊断价值 |
#e# 【摘 要】 目的:探讨原发性肝癌的螺旋CT双期增强特征及其诊断价值。材料和方法:回顾性分析56例经临床及手术病理证实的原发性肝癌双期增强表现。结果:56例共发现82个病灶。平扫呈低密度或等密度;肝动脉期91%强化,9%无明显强化;门脉期76%呈低密度或稍低密度,病灶密度呈“速升速降”的变化特点。结论:螺旋CT双期扫描可充分反映原发性肝癌的特征,对肝癌的检出和定性准确率的提高有重要价值。
【关键词】 肝肿瘤;螺旋CT; 诊断
The diagnoses value of dual phase spiral CT in primary hepatocellular carcinoma and scanning characteristic.
【Abstract】Objective: Evaluation the characteristic and diagnoses value with dual phase spiral CT in primary hepatocellular Carcinoma. Material and methods : We review analyse 56 examples hepatocellular Carcinoma that had approved by pathology verify or surgical operation dual-phase spiral CT scanning characteristic. Results: 56 examples find 82 focuses altogether. They were reveal the low density or the low density slightly in plain scanning; 91% of Primary liver cancer were enhanced in arterial phase. 9% were not enhanced obviously; 76% were reveal the low density or the low density slightly in portal venous phase, focus presents the change characteristic of" rising and lower rapidly " by density. conclusion: Dual phase spiral CT is a important value in the detection and charaterization of primary hepatocellular Carcinoma , it can improve rate of accuracy examine and determine the nature .
【Key Words】 Liver neoplasm, Spiral CT, Diagnoses
1 资料和方法
1.1 资料 56例原发性肝癌,男42例,女14例,年龄36~78岁,平均58岁。其中24例经手术病理证实,32例经临床实验室超声及DSA证实。
1.2 方法 CT为德国西门子Esprit螺旋CT,扫描方式选择为肝脏双期连续容积扫描,层厚8mm,1.5螺距行肝脏平扫,然后用高压注射器经前臂静脉注入80~100ml欧乃派克,注射速率2.5~3ml/s。肝动脉期20~25s,门静脉期45~60s,有3例延迟至平衡期300s扫描。动脉期腹主动脉显著增强,肝动脉显影,门静脉无明显造影剂充填;门 [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 丙泊酚的气道保护作用 下一个医学论文: 冠心病 心绞痛 心肌梗塞 的辨治体会