作者:潘洪秋 武谦虎 孙国华 龚玉华 吴翠松 徐存毓 殷民生 陈永忠 彭加茂
【关键词】 护肝
摘要:目的:观察护肝益肺颗粒防治抗结核药肝损害的临床疗效及对结核病的毒性症状的治疗作用。方法:随机选取住院肺结核患者646例,分为预防治疗组205例,预防对照组208例,空白对照组126例,肝损害治疗组52例, 肝损害对照组55例。预防治疗组在进行抗痨治疗(异烟肼+利福平+吡嗪酰胺)基础上口服护肝益肺颗粒2个月(3次/d,4 g/次);空白对照组仅给抗痨治疗(药物同预防治疗组)2个月;预防对照组在进行抗痨治疗(药物同预防治疗组)基础上口服肝泰乐2个月(3次/d,0.2 g/次); 肝损害治疗组用护肝益肺颗粒(3次/d,8 g/次)保肝治疗1个月;肝损害对照组用齐墩果酸片(3次/d,20 mg/次),护肝片(3次/d,4片/次)保肝治疗1个月。结果:预防治疗组药物性肝损害发生率1.9%,预防对照组药物性肝损害发生率4.8%,空白对照组药物性肝损害发生率7.1%。肝损害治疗组药物性肝损害治疗后显效76.5%,肝损害对照组药物性肝损害治疗后显效40% (P<0.01)。 肝损害治疗组与肝损害对照组两组药物性肝损害患者肝功能恢复及主要症状消失时间比较差异显著(P<0.01),护肝益肺颗粒对肝损害治疗组与肝损害对照组肺结核症状消失时间比较差异显著(P<0.01)。结论:护肝益肺颗粒对因服用抗结核药物引起的肝损害有防治作用,且对结核病的毒性症状有治疗作用。
Study on the Function of the Granule of Huganyifei on Hepatic Insufficiency Induced by the Drugs for TB
Abstract:Objective:To study the function of the Granule of Huganyifei to treat the TB patients who has hepatic insufficiency, and the treatment action to pulmonary tuberculosis.Methods:646 patients were divided into five groups : the prevent treatment group (205 patients) , the prevent contrast treatment group (208 patients), the contrast group(126 patients ) , the treatment group with hepatic insufficiency(52 patients), and the contrast group with hepatic insufficiency(55 patients). All of the treatment groups without hepatic insufficiency were administered INH, PZA, RFP for two months. The prevent treatment group was added the Granule(4 g, three times a day). The prevent contrast treatment group was added Glucurone(0.2 g, three times a day). The contrast group was added nothing. The treatment group with hepatic insufficiency used the Granule for one month (8 g, three times a day) , the contrast group with hepatic insufficiency had used Oleanolic Acid (60 mg, three times a day) and Hugan
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