【摘要】 分析人工髋关节置换术中、术后发生假体周围骨折的原因,探讨其预防措施和治疗方法。[方法]自1995年7月~2006年8月,共640例人工髋关节置换术患者,其中18例发生假体周围骨折,术中骨折11例(股骨距骨折7例,假体柄下端骨折4例),术后骨折7例(假体柄下端、远端骨折),男12例,女6例,年龄51~79岁,平均68岁,按照髋关节假体置换术后骨折的AAOS分型:Ⅰ型1例,Ⅱ型4例,Ⅲ型4例,Ⅳa型4例,Ⅳb型2例,V型1例,Ⅵ型2例,其中术中假体周围骨折11例有10例予立即内固定,1例(Ⅱ型)股骨距劈裂骨折无明显移位未做内固定,仅延迟下地负重时间;术后假体周围骨折7例有4例在两周内行手术内固定,2例合并假体松动而采用全髋关节翻修术,1例(Ⅵ型)假体远端骨折因身体原因无法手术而采取保守治疗予以骨牵引4周后改石膏外固定。[结果]术后平均随访时间15.2个月(6~38个月),15例患者骨折均达到骨性愈合,2例发生骨折延迟愈合,保守治疗的1例患者术后6个月拍X线片示骨折畸形愈合,术后8个月因内科疾病死亡。Harris评分平均80分(67~92分)。[结论] 术中暴力、股骨髓腔发育异常、假体型号过大、骨质疏松是术中假体周围骨折发生的主要原因,骨溶解、假体松动、骨质疏松加外伤是术后发生假体周围骨折的主要原因,根据不同分型采用不同的治疗方法以促进骨折愈合,稳定假体,减少卧床时间和并发症(尤其对高龄患者更为重要),尽早恢复功能。
【关键词】 髋关节置换术 并发症 骨折
Abstract:[Objective]To analyze the causes of perioperative periprothetic fracture with hip arthroplasty and discuss the prevention and treatment of the fracture.[Method]18 of 640 THR cases occurred femoral fracture from July 1995 to August 2006,11 with intraoperative fracture and 7 with postoperative fracture,12 were and 6 female,the mean age 68 years(range:51 to 79 years).According to AAOS’standard,18 cases were divided into 6 types:1 of I type,6 of II type,4 of III type,4 of IVa type,2 of IVb type,1 of V type and 2 of VI type.10 of 11 cases of intraoprative fracture were operated immediately with internal fixation,and one of II type was treated with conservative method .4 of 7 cases of postoperative fracture were operated with open reduction and internal fixation in two weeks,2 cases with loosen stem were operated by revision hip,and one of V type was treated with conservative method because of other disease.[Result]The mean followed up perioid were 15.2 months(rang:6 to 42 months),15 fractures united,2 delayed united and 1 dead after 8 months postoperatively.The average scores were 80 accor
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