作者:魏建和 吴立新 肖佩霞
【摘要】 目的: 探讨减少川崎病发生冠状动脉病变的治疗方法。方法: 用清热解毒活血方(自拟)结合西药治疗川崎病48例,观察临床表现的消失时间和冠状动脉病变的发生率。结果: 清热解毒活血方结合西药治疗川崎病,冠状动脉病变发生率为10.4%,纯西药组29.5%,有显著差异(P<0.05),而临床表现的消退时间无明显差异性。结论: 清热解毒活血方对减少川崎病发生冠状动脉病变有显著的治疗和预防作用。
【关键词】 川崎病; 冠状动脉; 清热解毒活血方; 中西医结合治疗
【ABSTRACT】 Objective: To investigate the therapeutic methods on reducing the occurrence of pathological
changes in coronary artery that is caused by Kawasaki disease.Methods:We used Qingrejiedu Decoction for activating blood circulation and Western medicine to treat Kawasaki disease on 48 cases.Then we observed the disappearing time of the clinical manifestation and the occurrence rate of pathological changes in coronary artery.Results: The patients in the group that was treated with both Qingrejiedu Decoction for activating blood circulation and Western medicine got pathological change occurrence rate 10.4%, and meanwhile the patients in the other group that was treated only with Western medicine got occurrence rate 29.5%, so there was a obvious difference( P<0.05)in the occurrence rates,but the disappearing time of the clinical manifestation for two groups didnt have such obvious difference. Conclusion: Qingrejiedu Decoction for activating blood circulation has obvious therapeutic and preventative function in reducing the occurrence of pathological changes in coronary artery that is caused by Kawasaki disease.
【KEY WORDS】 Kawasaki disease; Coronary artery; Qingrejiedu decoction for activating blood circulation; Combined traditional chinese and western medicine treatment
川崎病(kawasaki disease, KD)又名皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征,是一种原因不明确的小儿常见自身免疫性血管炎综合征[1]。主要病理改变为全身非特异性血管炎,累及中小血管,特别是冠状动脉,可形成冠状动脉瘤,引起血栓性梗塞、狭窄,导致心肌梗塞、猝死[2]。防止其冠状动脉病变的发生是川崎病预后的关键,我们从1998.5~2006.5月用清
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