作者:柯志勇 刘军 丘小汕
[摘 要] 目的 对比常用的三种建立宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)大鼠模型的方法,选择适用于儿科研究IUGR对生后生长发育和代谢远期影响的动物实验模型。方法 15只孕鼠平均分为3组采用子宫动脉结扎法、更生霉素腹腔注射法、被动吸烟法建立IUGR动物模型,以自然分娩为结束妊娠的方式,比较仔鼠的体重,IUGR发生率及围产期死亡率。结果 三个实验组的仔鼠平均体重分别为5.546 g,5.377 g,5.103 g,以正常对照组平均体重减2个标准差为IUGR的标准,孕鼠产出的IUGR仔鼠发生率分别为27.8%,42.2%,61.6%,仔鼠围产期死亡率分别为61.1%,17.8%,6.7%。结论 被动吸烟法及更生霉素腹腔注射法均能成功建立IUGR大鼠模型,尤以前者更适用于儿科研究。
[关 键 词] IUGR;动物模型;更生霉素;被动吸烟
[分类号] R-332 [文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1008-8830(2000)01-0024-03
Evaluation of Three Rat Model of Intrauterine Growth Retardation
KE Zhi-Yong, LIU Jun, QIU Xiao-San.
(Department of Pediatrics, First Affiliated Hospital,
Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510080)
Abstract: Objective To evaluate three models of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in the rat for use in long-term metabolism and development. Methods Fifteen pregnant rats were divided into 3 groups, in which IUGR was produced by either 1)uterine artery ligation, 2)abdominal injection of Dectinomycin, or 3) passive smoking. Newborn rats were delivered vaginally, and their body weights, rates of IUGR and perinatal death rates were compared. Results The average body weight of the newborn rats in each group was 5.546g, 5.377g, 5.103g; the IUGR rates were 27.8%, 42.2%, 61.6%; the perinatal death rates were 61.1%, 17.8%, 6.7%, respectively. Conclusion Both Dactinomycin abdominal injection and passive smoking can successfully establish an IUGR rat model, IUGR actived through passive smoking has a higher rate of fetal growth retardation and a lower mortality rate, suggesting that this may be a preferred model.
Key words: IUGR; Animal model; Dactinomycin; Passive smoking
近年研究表明宫内发育迟缓(Intrautering growth retardation, IUGR)不仅与生后体格生长落后关系密切,而且由于多种激素的敏感性改变是IUGR病理生理和代谢轴中普遍存在的现象,其远期影响使IUGR儿在成年后发生代谢综合征(又称X综合征,包括糖耐量减低、Ⅱ型糖尿病、高血压、冠心病等)的易感性明显增加[1]。这已日益受到产科和儿科医务工作者的关注。目前已有多种建立IUGR动物模型的方法,其中比较常用的有子宫动脉结扎法、更生霉素腹腔注射法、被动吸烟法等。鉴于以往的动物实验研究侧重在IU
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