作者:项立 朱松杰 唐沂
[摘 要] 目的 研究一级亲属幽门螺杆菌(helicobacter pylori, HP)感染状况以及其对儿童HP感染的影响。方法 应用血清学及13C-尿素呼吸试验(13C-urea breath test, 13 C-UBT)测定反复腹痛儿童及父母的HP感染情况。结果 13C-UBT及血清HP-IgG测定家庭的HP感染率分别为41.6%和76.5%,显著高于腹痛儿童的HP感染率29.5%和54.8%(P<0.05和P<0.005)。儿童13C-UBT及血清学阳性时,其家庭HP感染率分别为83.7%和85.7%,显著高于其儿童阴性时的家庭HP感染率23.9%和65.3%;家庭13C-UBT及血清学阳性时,其儿童HP感染率分别为59.4%和61.4%,也显著高于其家庭阴性的儿童HP感染率8.3%和33.3%,P<0.005。血清学检查的敏感性为94.2%,特异性36.1%。结论 一级亲属有HP带菌的家庭中儿童HP症状性感染率高,HP感染有明显的家庭聚集性。血清HP-IgG检测敏感性好,特异性差,13C-UBT比血清学检测更能反应HP家庭实时感染状况。
[关 键 词] 幽门螺杆菌;血清学;13C-尿素呼吸试验;家庭感染
[分类号] R446 [文献标识码] A
Familial Infection Status of Helicobacter Pylori by Serology and 13 C-Urea Breath Test
]XIANG Li, ZHU Song-Jie, TANG Yi.
(Department of Pediatris, Shenzhen People′s Hospital, Shenzhen 518020)
Abstract: Objective To study familial infectious status of helicobacter pylori (HP) and its effect on the rate of HP infection in children in the same household. Methods Children with abdominal pain and their parents were detected in the way of serology and 13 C-urea breath test (UBT). Results The HP infection rate of the family of 13 C-UBT and serologic HP-IgG was 41.6% and 76.5% respectively, higher than that of children with recurrent abdominal pain, which was 29.5% and 54.8% respectively (P<0.05 and P<0.005). The familial HP infection rate when children were HP positive by 13 C-UBT and serology was 83.7%and 85.7% respectively, much higher than that when children were HP negative, 23.9% and 65.3% respectively; the children s HP infection rates (59.4% using 13 C-UBT and 61.4% using serology) of the family with HP positive were also much higher than that of the family with HP negative, which was 8.3% using serology and with 33.3% using 13 C-UBT, (P<0.005). The sensitivity of serology was 94.2%, and the specificity was 36.1%. Conclusions The symptomatic infection rate of HP in children is h
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