高桂珠 丁明辉 赵桂英
中图分类号:R587.1;R817.4 文献标识码:A
The clinical of the six items RIA method diagnosing for the early harming of liver
Gao Guizhu,Ding Minghun,Zhao Guiying.
(The Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China)
Abstract:Serum Cholylycine(CG).Hyaluronic acid(HA)、Secretory immanoglobulin A(sIgA)、Alpha-fetoprotein(AFP)、Carlina-Ferritin(SF)、embryonic-antigen(CEA) were combinded measured with radiommunoasain(RIA) in 39 NIDDM patients and 51 normal controls.Result:The levels of CG、SF、sIgA in patients were very stikingly higher(P<0.01),the levels of HA were strikingly higher(P<0.05) than the controls.The levels of AFP and CEA were no difference between the patients and normal controls.The result show that the levels of serum HA、CG、SF、sIgA in NIDDM were significantly higher than the controls.The levels of AFP and CEA were no difference between the patients and normal controls.It has clinical value for diagnosis of early liver of NIDDM.
Key words:RIA;NIDDM;liver harming
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 观察组:39例NIDDM患者均系我院内分泌科收治,诊断符合WHO诊断标准,均经临床、试验室检查证实。其中男28例,女11例。年龄30岁~64岁;正常对照组:51例我院门诊健康体检者,其中男32例,女19例,年龄21岁~60岁,无心、肝、肾及内分泌疾病。
1.2 方法
标本采集及处理:观察组、对照组均于晨起空腹时静脉采血,经离心提取血清待用。试剂由中国原子能研究院同位素所提供。采用RIA法,严格按说明书进行操作,使用DPC GAMMA-C12 γ计数器测定,Log-Logit最小二乘法回归求其值。
1.3 数据处理:所测得各项均数分别与对照组进行t或t′检验,以P值表示均数间的差异程度。
2 结 果
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