马捷 李家成 冯晓东 唐进 郭光伟 张文凯 王海曙
摘要:目的:总结微创伤动脉导管未闭(PDA)结扎术的经验。方法:从1989年4月~1999年6月采用左腋下直切口手术结扎PDA 248例。平均年龄13.3岁。结果:全组无手术死亡,术后不输血,不置胸腔引流管,术后平均住院时间4.2d。结论:该方法安全、省时,创伤小、恢复快、简化护理、不影响美观。但外科医生应熟练掌握手术技巧及适应症。
中图分类号:R654.2 文献标识码:B
Using A Vertical Left Axillary Minithoractomy for Ligation of Patent Ductus Arteriosus(Review of 248 cases)
Ma Jie,Li Jiacheng,Feng Xiaodun,Gue Guangwei,Tang Jin.
(The Department of Cardiac Surgery of Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan,030001 China)
Abstract:Objective:Analysis the experiences of ligation of patent ductus arteriosus(PDA)with a small in cision.Method:From April 1989 to June 1999,248 patients suffered from PDA were undergone the ligation with a vertical left mini thoractomy.The average age was 13.3 years old.Results:There was no operative mortality,no postoperative blood transfusion and thoracic drainage needed as before.The postoperative hospital stay was 4.2 days.Conclusion:This technique is safe,effective and can save time,simplify nursing,promote recovery quickly because of only with minimal injury,and not affect one’s good looking.But the surgeon need to master the surgical in dications and become skillful earnestly.
Key wards:Minithoraotomy;Patent Ductus Arteriosus;Ligation
1 临床资料
全组248例中男81例,女167例,男∶女=1∶2.5,年龄岁~40岁。10岁以内117例,11岁~20岁88例,21岁~30岁37例,31岁以上6例。单纯PDA 232例,合并其他心内畸形16例,其中合并室缺9例,房室缺 2例,房缺3例,主动脉缩窄1例,肺动脉狭窄1例。经手术证实管型220例,漏斗型33例,亚铃型3例,动脉瘤型2例。导管直径0.5cm~1cm者118例,1.1cm~2.0cm者122例,2.1cm以上者8例。全组均采用导管结扎术。1例破裂出血而改用切断缝合术。手术历时41min~130min,平均52min。全组无手术死亡,随访1a~10a,无喉返神经损伤及术后再通。
2 手术方法
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