吕华 李毅斌 洛树东
中图分类号:R322.33 文献标识码:A
A quantitaive research on the pial vascular architecture of human visual cortex
LU Hua, LUO Shu-dong
(Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China)
LI Yi-bin
(Shanxi Eye Hospital,Taiyuan 030001,China)
Abstract:The visual cortex of 13 brains of baby aged less than 6 months was studied.All the samples were infused with formaldehyde-gelatin-ink,observed with an opticmicroscope and photographed with a camera.The pial vascular densities were calculated with stereological method.The data were analysed by ANON.The results are as follows:pial arteries of visual cortex originate from parieto-occipital artery,calcarine ar-tery,inferior posterior temporal artery and posterior temporal artery.In general,they send out long and short branches at a right angle and form anastomosis in the form of straight line and “Y”.The density of the spots throuth which pial arteries enter visual cortex is the highest in posterior segment of calcarine cortex, the next in middle segment and the lowest im anterior segment.It is showed that the abundant anastomosis between the branches of middle cerebral artery and the branches of posterior cerebral artery near lunate sulcus is the anatomical base of “macula avoidance” and that the formation of different vascular densities may be the precondition of cellular differentiation and functional perfection.
Key words:human;visual cortex;blood vessels
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