中图分类号:R719.8 文献标识码:A
Relationship between two cesarean sections and breastfeeding
WANG Yu-hang
(The Central Hospital of the Third Railway Engineering Bureau, Taiyuan 030006,China)
Abstract:Objective:To study the relationship between the vertical incision or transverse incision and Breastfeeding.Methods:the vertical incision adopted with methods of the vertical incision or transverse incision cesarean section,after the operation,puerperants and neonatal enter the same word, and perform the contact and feeding early according to the breastfeeding compare the situation before and after operation in two groups.Results:the transverse incision cesarean section had advantages of shorter operative time less blood loss during operation,breast earlier,the production of breast milk is full,full-breastfeeding rate in high,exhaust earlier,slight pain and low sickness rate after operation and fewer days in hospital.the difference was significant as compared with the control group.(P<0.05) Conclusion:The cesarean section of a transverse incision should be spread in clinic for its advantages of shorter operative time,simple methods,breast earlier,full breast milk,full-breastfeeding rats in high,less postoperative complications and less days in hospital.conformed with requests of beloved infant hospital.
Key words:cesarean section;vertical incision;transverws incisionl;breastfeeding
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选自1997年8月以来我院有剖宫产指征的足月妊娠产妇,剖宫产术指征均为胎儿宫内窘迫、头盆不称、骨盆狭窄、臀位,手术原因无明显差异,随机分为两组,横切口新式剖宫产术103例作为横切口组,年龄在21岁~40岁间(平均年龄27.
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