武书胜 管强 王殿臣
中图分类号:R657.3+4 文献标识码:A
To observe the gastric emptying of patient with portal hypertesion after D.P.D
WU Shu-sheng, GUAN Qiang, WANG Dian-chen
(The People’s Hospital of Shanxi Provinces.Taiyuan 030012,China)
Abstract:Objective:To explore the necessity of splenectomy and D.P.D procedures with pyloroplasty for patients with L.C and portal hypertesion,and to observe the influence of the function of gastric emptying with vagus were kept.Methods:To observe the resume of gastric emptying of different groups of patients with L.C and portal hypertesion,one group were underwent splenectomy and D.P.D procedures with both vagotomy,and the other one’s vagus were kept with or without pyloroplasty.Result:The average time of the resume of gastric emptying for the group of both vagotomy is 5.2days,and 4.2days for the former with pyloroplasty,4.1days for the patients of vagus kept.2 in 36 cases suffered from stomach tarry in the former way are resumed in a short time,and none occurs with stomach tarry in the later.Conclusion:D.P.D with pyloroplasty isn’t necessary,but D.P.D with vagus kept do benefit.
Key words:portal;hypertesion pyloroplasty;stomach tarry; vagus
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