叶晶 孙元星 张慧文 刘玉军
中图分类号:R737.14 文献标识码:B
Contient urinary reservoirs with the ceco-appendiceal unit as stoma to umbilicus
YE Jing,SUN Yuan-xing
(The Fifth People Hospital of Datong,Datong 037001,of Datong,Datong 037006,China)
ZHANG Hui-weng
(The Second Medical School of Datong,Datong 037005,China)
LUI Yu-jun
(The South Suburbam People Hospital of Datong,Datong 037006,China)
Abstract:Objective:We report short-term results in 2 patients with bladder cancer who underwent lower urinary tract reconstruction using a ceco-appendiceal unit.Methods:A man and a women underwent lower urinary tract reconstruction using an altered cecoappendical unit.The bladder was replaced with a reserroir of ileocolic. cecocolic and the appendix was used as an orthotopic neouretha, and the cecoappendiceal junction was incompeted the cecum, the cecum was plicated over the base of the appendix to reinforce the sphincteric mechanism.This two patients underwent augmentation with the appendix brought out as a umbilical stoma.Result:The patients have been followed up for 3-6months.The separate capacity of the urine reservoir has been 380ml、400ml.The separate intrareservoir pressllre 25cmH2O、30cmH2O.There has been neither urine reflux nor hydronephrosis.One patient suffer from pyelonephritis.Continence of unurination has been excellent.Conclusions:The ceco-appendiceal unit may be used for continent lower urinary tract reconstruction. Ceco-appendiceal junction competence can be tested intraoperatirely and skincteric mechanism may be reinfored as nessary
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