可吸收和金属张力带治疗尺骨鹰嘴骨折的对比研究 |
陈爱民 侯春林 葛俊国 苟三怀 周许辉
摘要 目的 研究生物可吸收张力带(Biofix棒和Biopoly人工韧带)与金属张力带(克氏针和钢丝)治疗尺骨鹰嘴骨折的疗效。方法 采用两种张力带治疗36例尺骨鹰嘴骨折。其中,可吸收带组19例;金属张力带组17例。随访时间8~39个月,平均24个月,根据术后X线片和关节功能恢复情况评定疗效。结果 平均骨折愈合时间为7周。可吸收张力带组:优16例,良3例;金属张力带组:优14例,良2例,差1例。两种治疗方法临床效果无统计学差异。结论 生物可吸收张力带象金属张力带一样是治疗尺骨鹰嘴骨折较理想的有效方法之一,并具有无需二期手术取出内固定的优点。 关键词 尺骨骨折;骨折固定术,内;鹰嘴*
Biodegradable Tension Band and Metallic Tension Band for Fractures of Ulnar Olecranon
CHEN Aimin,HOU Chunlin,GE Junguo,et al Dept.of Orthopedics,Affiliated Changzheng Hospital,The Second Military Medical University,Shanghai,200003
Abstract Objective To compare the efficacy of treatment for fractures of ulnar olecranon fixed by biodegradable tension band (BTB)with Biofix rods/Biopoly ligaments and metallic tension band (MTB)with Kirschner needle and metallic cerclage wire.Methods Thirty-six patients with fractures of ulnar olecranon (19 fixed by BTB and 17 by MTB) were evaluated by radiography and recovery of joint function.The follow-up time lasted 8~39 months (24 months on the average).Results The fractures cured after a mean time of 7 weeks.In BTB group,good clinical results were obtained in 16 patients,whereas those in 3 patients were fairly well.In MTB group,the corresponding fiqures were 14 and 2,but poor result was found in one patient.There was no statistically significant difference between these two methods.Conclusion Biodegradable tension band is believed to be a good simple method for the treatment of ulnar Olecranon fractures needing not a second-stage operation for removal of implants. Key words ulna fractures;fracture fixation,internal;olecranon
1 材料和方法
1.1 生物聚酯人工韧带 法国ARTICAL公司生产,品名 polyester ligament。编织成不同的形状供不同的用途。本文选用多功能加固韧带(LCCLACT):长度50 mm,直径1.5 mm。其抗拉强度>650 N,体[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 增殖细胞核抗原在子宫颈鳞癌组织中的表达 下一个医学论文: 单纯性肥胖儿童血压变化及其载脂蛋白E基因型多态性对血压的影响