急性心肌梗塞溶栓治疗后ST段改变对预后的评估 |
贾 佳 王克英 李宗浩
摘要 急性心肌梗塞(AMI)6小时内静脉溶栓108例,将溶栓前基础心电图和溶栓后3小时心电图,根据ΣST抬高恢复情况相对于早期ST段抬高情况按百分比评估分为三组:心电图恢复组(>75%,n=21);部分恢复组(25%~75%,n=59);不恢复组(<25%,n=28)。 结果表明:危险因素中随着ST段恢复程度的降低,糖尿病并发率逐渐增高,高血压并发率<25%组高于≥25%两组(P<0.05);<25%组以酶水平居高、前壁心肌梗塞多为特点,表现为住院期间并发症显著、死亡率高。结论:AMI溶栓后ST段恢复情况结合临床资料可作为早期预后评估的重要指标。 关键词 心肌梗塞 血栓溶解 心电图
Early assessment on outcome by ST-segment analysis after thromblyic therapy in acute myocardial infarction
Jia Jia, Wang Keying, Li Zonghao (Beijing Emergency Center, Beijing 100031)
Abstract A study based upon the restoration of ST segment after thromblytic therapy beginning within 6 hours after onset of acute myocardial infarction(AMI) in 108 cases to evaluate the outcone of these patients was carried out. Three groups were defined according to complete (>75%,n=21), Partial (<75% to >25%,n=59),and (<25%, n=28)ST segment restoration,respectively.The result showed that among risk factor, the diabetic patients usually had no restoration of elevated ST segment; hypertension group was ≥25% (P<0.05);and the gruop<25% was of high enzyme level and anterior myocardial infarction, and of higher incidence of complications and higher mortality rats. Analysis on restoration of elevated ST segment after thrombolytic therapy combined with clinical data is a useful evaluation of outcome of AMI patients. Key words Acute myocardial infarction Thrombolytic therapy Electrocardiogram
1.AMI 6小时内静脉溶栓108例(1993年1月~1994年12月),病人具有典型临床表现,2个肢体导联ST段≥0.1mV或2个相邻心前导联ST段抬高≥0.2mV。入院后无禁忌证者予以硝酸甘油肝素和/或阿斯匹林治疗。除外溶栓前CK>130IU/L或溶栓后CK不增加、束支传导阻滞、心肺复苏的病例。 2.溶栓病人分别记录溶栓前、溶栓后即刻、30、60、90、120、150、180分钟的18导心电图,溶栓前心电图至少有2次记录,取其抬高最著者。ST段抬高之和(ΣST)从前壁心肌梗塞的Ⅰ、avL、V1-V6[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 系统性红斑狼疮高血压的临床分析 下一个医学论文: 14C