无小脑定位体征的小脑梗塞临床与MRI分析 |
沈 扬 王继琛 康德 李松年
摘要 分析经MRI检查诊断的无小脑体征的小脑梗塞63例。发现无小脑定位体征性小脑梗塞发病率高,其临床表现主要为椎基底动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)、脑干梗塞及颈内动脉系统病变。病变部位以PICA与SCA区的分水岭梗塞最为常见,其次为PICA区及SCA区供血区梗塞,AICA区最少,梗塞灶的大小以腔隙性梗塞为主,其中24例合并脑干梗塞。 关键词 小脑梗塞 磁共振
Cerebellar infarction without signs of localization: clinical and MR imaging analysis
Shen Yang, Wang Jichen, Kang Dexuan, et al (Dept. of Radiology, The Third Teaching Hospital, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100083)
Abstract 63 cases of cerebellar infarction without signs of localization diagnosed by MR imaging were analyzed. A high incidence was found. Its clinical characteristics were those of vertebrobasilar transient ischemic attacks (TLA), brainstem infarction, and vascular disease of internal carotid artery. The location of the infarction, were most commonly seen in the watershed of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) and the superior cerebellae artery (SCA). The second was in the area of PICA and SCA, and less common in the region of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA). The sizes of most lesions were mainly lacumar infarction. Twenty four cases were accompanied with brainstem infarction. Key words Cerebellar infarction MR imaging
从1989~1997年1月在我院神经内科就诊并经MRI确诊的小脑梗塞共87例,其中63例无明确小脑定位体征,占小脑梗塞病例的72.41%。我们对63例无定位体征的小脑梗塞的临床表现特点、梗塞部位及大小进行了分析。63例中男性41例,女性22例,平均年龄61.4岁(38~85岁)。 所有病例均在发病3周内经MRI检查确诊。大部分病例(56/63)在北医大一院磁共振室进行检查,少数由其它医院磁共振室协助检查。扫描序列为SE、T1加权像450~550/20ms,T2加权像2500~4500/90ms,轴位、冠状位及矢状位图像,层厚=5mm或8mm,层距=6mm或10mm。
一、无小脑定位体征的小脑梗塞的临床表现 本组63例无小脑定位体征的小脑梗塞,其临床表现复杂多样,我们将其归纳如下。 1.临床表现为椎基底动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)者21例,占33.33%(21/63)。MRI显示除3例合并脑干梗塞外,其余均为单纯小脑梗塞。大部分病例主要表现为发作性眩晕、头晕、呕吐。少数病人伴有发作性头痛、耳鸣、行走不稳、眼震等。 2.临床表现为脑干梗塞者24例,占38.1%(24/63)。经MRI检查其中13例同时伴[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 原发性头痛患者血浆组织型纤溶酶原激活物及其抑制物活性变化的研究 下一个医学论文: 系统性红斑狼疮高血压的临床分析