原发性头痛患者血浆组织型纤溶酶原激活物及其抑制物活性变化的研究 |
龙洁 于学英 白云 窦林森 曲辉
摘要 本研究应用发色底物法(CS)测定了两类原发性头痛:偏头痛及紧张性头痛患者血浆组织型纤溶酶原激活物(t-PA)及其快速抑制物(PAI-1)活性的变化规律。结果发现:两类原发性头痛患者血浆t-PA活性变化不明显,而PAI-1活性均明显增高,说明两类原发性头痛患者均存在血管内皮功能损伤及血浆纤溶活性的异常。原发性头痛者中存在着缺血性CVD的高危个体,临床医师应对其引起重视,及时给予针对性治疗,以防止脑梗塞的发生。 关键词 原发性头痛 组织型纤溶酶原激活物 组织型纤溶酶原激活物抑制物
Studies on the changes of activites of tissue-type plasminogen activitor and its rapid inhibitor in plasma in patients with idiopathic headache
Long Jie, Yu Xueying, Bai Yun, et al (Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Beijing 100050)
Abstract We detected the changes of activities of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and its rapid inhibitor(PAI-1) in plasma in the patients with migraine and tension-type headache(TTH) by chromophore substrate assay. We found that the activities of t-PA had no significant changes in plasma in two kinds of idiopathic headache, but the activities of PAI-1 increase significant which implied that there existed the injuries of vascular endothelial cells (VECs) and the abnormalities of fibrinolytic activity in plasma. We think that there present high risk individuals of ischemic cerebral vascular disease among the patients with idiopathic headache. Clinical physician should pay more attention to the patients with migraine or TTH in order to find the prethrombotic individuals and to give the effective treatment, to avoid the occurence of cerebral infarction. Key words Idiopathic headache Tissue-type plasminogen activator Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
目前,越来越多的研究表明,偏头痛患者易发生缺血性中风,但对其发病机制尚不清楚,偏头痛是否为缺血性中风的一个危险因素仍无定论。近年来研究发现,血浆组织型纤溶酶原激活物(t-PA)及其快速抑制物(PAI-1)的变化在脑卒中发生前后均有明显改变,并已证实二者在血栓形成和清除过程中起重要作用。另外,又有诸多证据表明,紧张性头痛和偏头痛之间有许多相似之处,并提示二者可能是一个连续统一体。 本研究目的旨在测定血浆t-PA和PAI-1的活性,从血液纤溶活性方面探讨偏头痛易发生缺血性中风的机制,并以纤溶活性作为客观指标,探讨两类原发性头痛之间的关系。
一、研究对象 偏头痛和紧张性头痛患者选自我院1996年7月~1997年1月门诊就诊的患者,根据1988年国际头痛分类委员会制定的标准确定诊断。偏头痛共38例,男11例,女27例;年龄15~55岁,平均36.0士9.7岁;病程0.3~28.0年;[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 细支气管肺泡癌87例临床分析 下一个医学论文: 无小脑定位体征的小脑梗塞临床与MRI分析