51例肺转移癌的诊断及手术治疗效果分析 |
刘树库 陈肖嘉 骆宝剑
摘 要:目的 分析评价转移癌的诊断及手术治疗。方法 自1975年1月~1990年12月我院胸外科对51例肺转移癌进行了手术治疗,其中男38例,女13例,平均年龄46岁。肿瘤来源于全身各组织器官。单侧肺单发、多发分别为20例和23例,双侧多发8例。结果 全组51例均行外科手术治疗,其中全肺切除6例,肺叶切除26例,肺段及肺楔形切除19例,无手术死亡及术后并发症发生。全组5年生存率为29.4%,2年生存率为41.2%。结论 外科手术治疗仍是肺转移癌的有效治疗方法。 关键词:转移癌/肺 肺切除/手术治疗 胸外科
Surgical treatment for metastatic tumors of lung
Liu Shuku (Department of Thoracic Surgery, Beijing Chest Tumor Hospital, Beijing 101149) Cheng Xiaojia (Department of Thoracic Surgery, Beijing Chest Tumor Hospital, Beijing 101149) Luo Baojian (Department of Thoracic Surgery, Beijing Chest Tumor Hospital, Beijing 101149)
Abstract:Objective:To analyse and evaluate the diagnosis and surgical treatment of pulmonary metastatic tumor. Methods: From January 1975 to December 1990, a total of 51 patients with pulmonary metastatic tumors were treated surgically in our hospital, among them 38 were males (75%) and 13 females (25%), with an average age of 46 years old. The metastatic diseases came from different organs and tissues of the body, and of whom the solitary and multiple diseases were 20 and 23 cases in unilateral, respectively, and 8 cases with multiple diseases bilaterally. Result: All patients in this group were recived surgical treatment, in which 6 cases were undergone pneumonectomies, 26 lobectomis, and 19 wedge or segmentomies. No operative mortality and postoperative complications occurred. A cumulative 5 year-survival rate was 29.4% (15/51) and 2 year-survival rate 41.2% (21/51). Concluions: Surgical treatment is still a good measure for pulmonary metastasis, and can get a favorable survival. Key words:Metastic tumor/Pulmonary Pulmonary resection/Surgical treatment Thoracic department▲
自1975年1月~1990年12月,我院胸外科诊断并手术治疗了5[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: BiPAP呼吸机治疗COPD并发 型呼吸衰竭的疗效观察及其对循环呼吸系统的影响 下一个医学论文: 肝豆状核变性的临床分析