椎旁封闭抖腰推顶法治疗腰椎间盘突出症 |
张 鹰 秦晓江
摘要 应用椎旁封闭抖腰推顶法治疗腰椎间盘突出症168例。1次成功率64.2%,总有效率94.64%,优良率85.12%。病程越短,疗效越好(χ2=7.81,P<0.05)。年龄<55岁的患者疗效明显优于>55岁的患者(μ=2.58,P<0.01)。随访0.5~1年复发7例。取治疗组中50例与机械牵引手法推拿组50例患者进行疗效对比,结果优良率治疗组94%,对照组68%,P<0.01。复发率治疗组4%,对照组22%,P<0.01。2组比较差异有非常显著性。 关键词 椎旁封闭; 抖腰; 推顶; 腰椎间盘突出症
Treatment of Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc by Paraertebra Blocking with Shaking and Pushing Waist Method
Zhang Ying, Qing XiaoJiang Rehabilitation Clinic of Xiaogan Central Hospital, Xiaogan 432100
Abstract Using paravertebral blocking with shaking waist and pushing method, 168 cases of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc were treated with the successful rate for one time being 64.2%, total effective rate 94.64%, excellent rate 85.12 %. The shorter the duration of illness was, the better the therapeutic effcets were (P<0.05)。 The patients with the age less than 55 years had a better therapeutic effcets as compared with those with the age over 55 years (P<0.01). Recurrence was found in 7 cases during the follow-up of 0.5~1 year. The therapeutic comparison of 50 cases in the treated group with 50 patients in the mechanical traction therapy group showed excellent rate of 94% in the former and 68% in the latter (P<0.01). The recurrence rate in the treated group was 4%, and 22% in the control group (P<0.01). Key words paravertebral blocking; shaking; pushing waistmethod; prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc
椎旁封闭抖腰推顶法是经过多年临床实践摸索和逐步完善的一种非手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的疗法,与机械牵引手法推拿的治疗方法进行比较,其疗效显著。 1 资料和方法 1.1 对象 ①用椎旁封闭抖腰推顶法治疗腰椎间盘突出症168例,男120例,女48例。年龄18~63岁,其中30~55岁142例。病程:≤6个月73例,7个月~2年51例,2年1个月~5年23例,>5年21例。患者均具有典型腰椎间盘突出症的症状及体征。CT扫描单节段突出85例(L3、44例,L4、553例,L5~S128例),双节段以上突出83例(L3、4、L4、5、L5~S16例,L4、5、L5~S177例)。中央型41例(偏左24例,偏右17例),侧后型102例,外侧型25例,其中伴黄韧带肥厚28例。摄腰椎正侧位X片132例,其中脊柱侧弯69例,椎体有不同程度骨质增生125例。椎间隙变窄46例。②从应用上述方法治疗的168例中取50例(治疗组)与应用机械牵引手法推拿治疗50例(对照组)进行比较,2组各男35例,女15例,年龄均<55岁,病程<6个月,均经CT扫描证实[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 手法治疗外伤性膝关节功能障碍 下一个医学论文: 指屈肌腱损伤修复术后的康复