偏瘫早期上肢功能的针刺治疗 |
陈立典 陈颖楠
摘要 108例脑卒中后偏瘫患者随机分为2组,从发病早期开始分别接受2种不同的治疗,A组接受中医“巨刺”法治疗;B组接受患侧阳经穴位的针刺治疗。结果:A组在康复治疗后3个月的评定中,有效率分别为40.29%、68.65%、74.62%,明显优于B组(P<0.01);治疗后3个月A组上肢功能综合评分及出院时ADL积分都高于B组。表明A组所采用的健侧取穴、强刺激的方法在偏瘫早期的治疗中能有效地促进上肢功能的恢复,并为其良好的远期效果打下基础。 关键词 偏瘫; 巨刺法; 上肢功能
Acupuncture Rehabilitation of Upper Limb Function in the Period of Hemiplegia
Chen Lidian, Chen Yinnan Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Second Affiliated People s Hospital, Fujian Traditional Chinese Medical College, Fuzhou 350001
Abstract 108 cases of hemiplegia following stroke were randomly divided into two groups, group A receiving “opposing needling” therapy, group B acupuncture therapy for Yang channel points in the affected, undergoing two kinds of therapies from the beginning of the disease, respectively. It was showed that the effective rate was 40.29%, 68.65% and 74.62% in the assessment 3 months after rehabilitation treatment in group A, respectively, significantly higher than in group B (P<0.01). The comprehensive scores of upper limb function and the ADL scores in the discharge were higher in group A than in group B. It was indicated that acupoints contralateral to the affected side and strong stimulation applied in group A could effectively promote the recovery of upper limb function in the early period of hemiplegia. Key words hemiplegia; opposing needling; upper limb function
在脑卒中后偏瘫患者的康复过程中,上肢功能恢复的好坏直接影响患者日后生活活动能力,但在偏瘫的康复治疗中,上肢的功能恢复最难、最慢。针对这一问题,我们运用传统中医针刺方法结合现代康复医学的新技术、新理论对偏瘫后上肢功能进行早期康复治疗。 1 资料和方法 1.1 对象 病例来源于1991年10月~1995年5月福建省第二人民医院康复医学科和福州市古楼区医院神经科病房收治的108例患者,其中男85例、女23例。平均年龄56.4岁。脑出血32例,脑梗塞76例。所有病例都经CT确诊脑梗塞或脑出血。排除急性期重度昏迷、严重脑疝或合并原有严重心肺功能不全和神经肌肉骨骼病变所致上肢运动功能障碍者。纳入病例按入院的日期奇偶数随机分成观察组与对照组(以下称A、B组),分别接受2种不同的针刺方法治疗。 1.2 评定 2组病例入院时一般情况及患侧上肢功能比较采用BrunnstromⅥ阶段评定、Fugl-Meyer评定、Barthel日常生活活动能力评定。所有评定均由同一治疗师进行,数据接受统计学χ2检验。 1.3 康复方法 2组病例待生命体征稳定、意识[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 偏瘫患者肩痛的临床观察 下一个医学论文: 脑血管病偏瘫合并肩手综合征对肢体功能康复的影响