家属协作简易被动运动疗法对卒中急性期的康复作用 |
赵成三 马 兰 向明清 汪 华
摘要 106例经CT确诊的卒中急性期患者,按序贯实验设计分2组对照观察,均采用内科常规治疗。治疗组同时由家属协作进行简易床上被动运动疗法。2组均在治疗前和治疗20 d后用Fugl-Meyer评价法进行运动功能评定。结果治疗组第2次评测积分比第1次增加1174分,=22.15;对照组增加470分,=8.87,2组间比较t=3.929,P<0.01,治疗组在运动功能改善方面明显优于对照组,提示这种方法有助于避免卒中患者废用综合征和误用综合征。 关键词 家属; 被动运动; 卒中急性期
Simple Passive Movement Therapy with Help of Family Members For the Rehabilitation of Stroke in the Acute Period
Zhao Chengsan, Ma Lan, Xiang Mingqin, et al Department of Neurology, Shashi People s Hospital, Jinzhou 434000
Abstract According to the sequential trial design, 106 patients with stroke in the acute period diagnosed by CT were divided into group A (receiving ordinary medical treatment and a simple and easy on-the-bed passive movement therapy with the help of family members) and group B (receiving ordinary medial treatment only). Before and 20 days after the therapy, the movement functions of the two groups were evaluated. The results showed that the evaluation scores at second time were increased by 1174 as comparison with those at first time in group A, by 470 in group B, with the difference between the two groups being significant, and that the improvement of movement function in group A is clearly superior to that in group B. It was also suggested that passive movement therapy might avoid the occurrence of disuse and misapplication syndrome after stroke. Key words family; passive movement; acute period of stroke
在临床上许多卒中患者在病情稳定出院时已出现不同程度的废用综合征和误用综合征,严重影响了日后的康复,使致残率增加,这不但影响到患者本人的生活质量,而且对家属乃至社会都产生多方面的不良影响。我科结合本地区具体技术条件和经济状况,因地制宜,1996年4月~1997年7月,对53例卒中患者设计训练家属协作对患者在急性期进行简易床上被动运动治疗,经临床观察取得显著效果。 1 资料和方法 1.1 对象 106例卒中急性期住院患者,均为初次发病,经CT证实为幕上病变。按开放型序贯实验设计观察。依据患者入院次序、肢体运动功能残疾程度等级、病变性质随机配对分成2组。①治疗组,男33例,女20例,年龄41~83岁,平均60.8岁;②对照组,男35例,女18例,年龄42~83岁,平均62岁。治疗组和对照组各有脑出血33例,脑梗塞20例,其中肢体运动功能残疾程度各有Ⅰ级:严重功能障碍(<50分)26例,Ⅱ级:明显功能障碍(50~84分)20例,Ⅲ级:中度功能障碍(85~95分)7例。治疗组伴发疾病总积分314分,既往史总积分300分,对照组360分和319分[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 脑卒中后抑郁症对偏瘫康复的影响 下一个医学论文: 偏瘫患者肩痛的临床观察