对影响假肢穿戴的非理想残肢康复问题的探讨 |
崔寿昌 赵辉三 赵利 王子旭
摘要 截肢患者穿戴假肢才能发挥代偿功能,假肢代偿功能的水平与残 肢条件密切相关,一些残肢由于并发症等原因而影响假肢穿戴。本文就我院8年来收住院的1 64例截肢患者中81例影响假肢穿戴的非理想残肢康复问题进行讨论。提出影响假肢穿戴的非 理想残肢的概念;非理想残肢的种类及对假肢穿戴的主要影响;康复的原则和方法,假肢制 作技术的改进和主要的手术方法,以达到改善非理想残肢条件,使其可以穿戴良好的假肢, 发挥满意的代偿功能的目的。 关键词 截肢;残肢;假肢;康复
A study of rehabilitation of the non-ideal stumps impairing pr osthesis dressing
CUI Shouchang,ZHAO Huisan,ZHAO Li,et al (Chinese Journal of Re habilitation Theory & Practice)
Abstract Only by dressing the prosthesis can they pl ay their compensatory functions for the amputees.The effectiveness of the compen satory is closely related to the condition of the stumps.Because of the complica tions,it is impossible to dress prosthesis to some stumps.This paper is a studyi ng discussion on the rehabilitation of the non-ideal stumps impairing prosthesis dressing,whi ch of the 81 cases among the 164 amputees hospitalized in China Rehabilitation R esearch Center during the last 8 years.The paper advances the conception of the non-ideal stumps impairing prosthesis dressing;the categories of non-ideal stu mps and their impairment to the prosthesis dressing and the principle and method s of the rehabilitation and the improvement of the making of the prosthesis and the method of the operations. To improve the conditions of the non-ideal st umps,a good and comfortable prosthesis will be dressed.The compensatory function s will be satisfactorily played. Key words amputation;stumps;prosthesis;rehabilitation
截肢患者穿戴假肢后可以代偿肢体丧失的部分功能,假肢代偿功能的水平与 残肢条件密切相关,甚至一些残肢由于并发症等原因影响穿戴假肢。本文就我院8年来收住 院的164例截肢患者中81例影响假肢穿戴的非理想残肢康复问题进行讨论,总结出康复的原 则和方法,改善了非理想残肢穿戴假肢的条件,使其穿戴上较为理想的假肢,发挥满意的代 偿功能,以供参考。
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料 1989年8月~1997年12月住院截肢患者164例,185个肢体。其中148例,169个肢体在外院行 截肢手术。男130例,女34例。年龄3~90岁,平均34岁。 1.2 截肢部位 肩关节离断3例,半骨盆离断1例,上臂截肢9例(15个残肢),髋关节离断5例,肘关节离断3 例,大腿截肢56例(72个残肢),前臂截肢17例(22个残肢),膝关节离断7例,腕关节离断1例 ,小腿截肢57例(76个残肢),足部截[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 脊髓损伤患者泌尿系感染细菌学特征及对策 下一个医学论文: 肝外伤22例诊治报告