标记测验 Token Test 与左侧大脑半球损害所致的各型失语的关系 |
王荫华 牛建平
摘要: 本文对33例左侧大脑半球损害所致的各型失语进行了标记测验的 检查,同时作了标记测验与汉语失语检查中的是/否题、听辨认、口头指令、听字辨认、听 写、结构与视空间、积木、运用、计算、注意及记忆之间的相关性检验。统计结 果表明:标记测验得分与汉语失语检查法中各项测验之间有极显著的正相关(P<0 .01),对标记测验成绩与失语严重程度进行了相关性检验,统计结果表明有显著相关性(P <0.05)。本文说明,注意、记忆、运用、视空间功能、认知等因素均影响标记测验的成绩 ;标记测验成绩与左侧大脑半球损害所致的失语类型及失语的严重程度有关,特别是以口语 听理解障碍为主的失语类型,标记测验成绩极差。 关键词: 标记测验;失语;口语听理解;左侧大脑半球 中图分类号:R493 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-9711(2000)02-0049-05
Relationship between the Token Test and Chinese aphasia with di fferent types due to left hemispheric damages
WANG Yinhua,NIU Jianping (Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory & Practice)
Abstract: In order to evaluate the effect of Token Test for comprehension ability of Chinese aphasia,33 aphasics with different typ es due to left hemispheric damages were conducted in this study of Token Test an d Aphasia Battery in Chinese(ABC).The statistic analysis showed that the score o f Token Test was significant correlated with the comprehension ability,word reco gnition and dictation of Chinese language,construction and visual-spatial funct ion,praxia,calculation,attention and memory ability(P<0.01)and significant correlated with the severity of their aphasia(P<0.05).This study revealed t hat the score of Token Test was influenced by the type and the severity of Chine se aphasia especially the comprehension ability of speech and also influenced by attention,memory,praxia,visual-spatial function,cognition,etc.Token Test was a very sensitive test of measuring the comprehension ability for Chinese speech. Key words: Token Test; aphasia; comprehension of speech; le ft hemisphere
标记测验(Token Test)是1962年De Renzi E和Vignolo LA设计发表的 [1],它是一种检查口语听理解能力的敏感测验,被国外研究失语症者广泛使用, 在国内研究较少。 测验的材料由两种大小(半径分别为25mm和15mm),两种形状(圆形和正方形),5种颜色(红黄 蓝白黑)的20个标记物组成,给予患者37个逐渐加长和逐渐增加难度的指令,以标记物的大 小、颜色、形状3种属性为基础,测验由仅包含一个属性的最简单指令开始,过渡到包括2个 和3个属性的复合指导语,最后是包含有介词、连词和副词等表示的更复杂的语义关系的指 令,让患者指出,触摸或挑出相应的标记物,测验的特点是检查患者的口语[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 小脑扁桃体延髓联合畸形 型164例MR诊断 下一个医学论文: 绍兴县领证残疾人调查与浅析