针灸疗法对合并睡眠障碍的早期脑卒中患者运动功能的影响 |
阮经文 郑沛仪
摘要: 选择70例生命体征稳定、合并睡眠障碍的脑卒中早期患者,按日期分成实 验组(E组)、对照组(C1组、C2组),观察三组病例在其它康复治疗都相同的情况下,针 对睡眠障碍:(1)应用针灸配合贴压耳穴的办法改善患者睡眠质量(E组),(2)口服安定(C1 组),(3)无任何干预(C2组)。经8周治疗后,发现(1)凡能提高睡眠质量的E组、C1组的 肢体运动功能康复速度快,其简式Fugl-Meyer积分与C2组相比,P<0.01,(2)E组总 睡眠时间与C1组相比,P<0.05,说明针灸疗法的远期安眠作用优于安定,提示针灸疗 法是治疗脑卒中后遗症及合并症的重要手段之一。 关键词: 针灸疗法;脑卒中;睡眠障碍;运动功能 中图分类号:R493 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-9771(2000)02-0072-04
Acupuncture benefits the motor function of strokes with somnip athy at early stage
RUAN Jingwen,ZHENG Peiyi (Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory & Practice)
Abstract: 70 patients with steady vital signs and affected b y combined somnipathy at the early stage of stroke were divided into three group s according to the date of admission:the experimental group(Group E)and the cont rol groups(Group C1 and Group C2).The rehabilitation programs to all patient s are the same,except the somnipathy,(1) patients of Group E were adopted the me thod of acupuncture and moxibustion coupled with taping and pressing their ear a cupuncture points to improve their quality of sleep,(2) patients of Group C1 w ere asked to administer orally the traquilizers,and (3) no interference was cond ucted to the patients of Group C2.After 8 weeks of treatment,it is found that, (1) the speed of recovery of the motor function of the patients of both Group E and Group C1 is faster than that of Group C2 (P<0.01).(2) The total slee ping hours of Group E is significantly compared with that of Group C1 (P<0 .05).This shows that the long-term effects of the acupuncture therapy on sleep are superior to that of the tranquilizer.It suggests that the acupuncture therap y is an improtant method to treat the sequelae and syndrome of stroke. Key words: acupuncture;stroke;somnipathy;motor function
作者近10年临床观察发现,合并睡眠障碍的脑卒中早期患者,其睡眠质量直 接影响着运动功能的康复速度,且有资料证实,脑卒中患者不但有睡眠量的减少而且有睡眠 质的改变[1],说明脑卒中患者睡眠障碍并不是个别现象。因此,本文在给脑卒中 患者应用针灸进行康复治疗[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 中药熏蒸 中频电疗等治疗颈椎病69例疗效观察 下一个医学论文: 用Rosenbek 8步法治疗言语失用1例