伴骨质疏松的颈椎病患者颈椎形态学及骨密度变化 |
袁皓卿 王全平 丛锐 李春梅
【摘要】 目的 探讨颈椎病与骨质疏松之间的关系。方法 正常组20人,年龄21~23(21.54±0.96)岁;颈椎骨质疏松合并椎管狭窄(疏松组)25人,年龄50~65(53.96±4.48)岁。测量侧位C3~6椎体椎管矢状径比及侧位C4~6椎体骨密度(BMD)。所测数据应用SPLM医学软件进行统计学处理。结果 椎管矢状径比:正常组平均0.855±0.073,疏松组平均0.592±0.118;BMD:正常组平均0.690±0.053,疏松组平均0.824±0.083。两组两项指标比较差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 颈椎病与骨质疏松致椎体变形及BMD变化关系密切。 【关键词】 颈椎病; 骨质疏松;骨密度 【中图分类号】 R681.5
Changes of bone mineral density and morphology of cervical vertebrae in patients with cervical spondylopathy
Yuan Haoqing, Wang Quanping, Cong Rui, Li Chunmei
(Department of Orthopaedics, The 536th Hospital of PLA, Xining,Qinghai 810007)
【Abstract】 Objective To study relationship between osteoporosis and cervical spondylosis. Methods 25 patients with cervical vertebrae osteoporosis and cervical spinal stenosis and myelopathy,ranging form 50 to 65 years (mean: 53.96±4.48), compared with control group of 20 persons, ranging from 21 to 23 years (mean: 21.54±0.96). Midsagittal diameter ratio of C3~6 vertebral body and canals and bone mineral density(BMD) of C4~6 in anteroposterior position were measured in two groups. All data were processed with SPLM medical statistical software. Results Midsagittal diameter ratio of cervical vertebrae and spinal canals in control group was 0.855±0.073 and 0.592±0.118 in osteoporosis group. BMD in control group was 0.690±0.053 and 0.824±0.083 in osteoporosis group. There were significant differences in the two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion There is close relationship between cervical spondylosis and changes of BMD from osteoporosis. 【Key words】 cervical spondylopathy; osteoporosis; bone density
1 材料与方法 1.1 研究对象 疏松组:1997~1998 年诊断伴骨质疏松的脊髓型颈椎病合并颈椎管狭窄患者25例。男14例,女11例,年龄50~65岁(平均53.96岁±4.48岁)。入院检查桡骨远端BMD[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 颈椎板成形术后的脊髓扩大和后移 下一个医学论文: 用c b比率及AI评价DDH治疗后髋臼的发育