颈椎板成形术后的脊髓扩大和后移 |
张家红 王伟 周之德 沈建中
【摘要】 目的 研究颈椎板成形术后脊髓的形态学改变和疗效的相互关系。方法 对20例颈脊髓病患者在行椎管扩大椎板成形术前后进行颈CT脊髓成像术,测量脊髓的矢状径、横径和横截面的变化。结果 颈椎板成形术后,C5水平脊髓矢状径增大约0.8 mm,但横径减小约0.9 mm,脊髓横截面面积增大7.4%,在C5水平脊髓向后移动2.8 mm。结论 颈椎管扩大椎板成形术可使脊髓减压,而术后脊髓是否后移可能是决定椎管成形术减压效果的重要因素。 【关键词】 脊髓;椎板成形术; 脊髓造影术; 体层摄影术,X线计算机 【中图分类号】 R687.3; R816.1
Enlargement and posterior displacement of the spinal cord after cervical laminoplasty
Zhang Jiahong, Wang Wei, Zhou Zhide, Shen Jianzhong
(Department of Orthopaedics, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200092)
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate relationship between clinical results and morphological changes in the spinal cord after laminoplasty. Methods CT myelography was performed in 20 patients with cervical myelopathy before and after laminoplasty to enlarge the canal,and the sagittal and transverse diameter and the cross-sectional area of the spinal cord mearsured. Results The mean sagittal diameter of the spinal cord at C5 increased by 0.8 mm, but the mean transverse diameter decreased by 0.9 mm, and the mean cross-sectional area of the cord increased by 7.4%. The center of the spinal cord moved backward 2.8 mm on average. Conclusion Enlargement of the spinal cord is sufficient to decompress the spinal cord, and posterior displacement may be important factor in determining the decompressive effect of laminoplasty. 【Key words】 spinal cord; laminoplasty; myelography; tomography,X-ray computed
对颈椎强直、颈椎管狭窄、后纵韧带骨化引起的脊髓病变行后路颈椎椎板切除减压术,但术后患者颈椎的鹅颈畸形、颈椎不稳发病率较高,有些患者的脊髓功能甚至有所退化〔1〕。 我们对 20例有典型症状的颈椎管狭窄患者进行了颈椎管扩大椎板成形术,获得满意疗效。
1 材料与方法 1.1 病例资料 本组 20例,男 13例,女7例,年龄47~67岁。临床根据Grandall和Gregorius标准分类,10例为横断型综合征,8例为中央型综合征,2例为臂丛综合征。 1.2 手术方法 手术采用后侧入路,暴露颈椎棘突、椎板、椎间关节,切下C3~6相应的棘突以备植骨,用电钻在椎板二侧椎间关节内缘各挖一条沟,打断症状和体征严重侧椎板沟底的内板,将该侧多段椎板抬起成一条骨瓣(图1),这样多节段椎管内腔得以扩大。切开的椎板缝至肌肉上,同时提升的椎板也靠铰链侧的皮质骨板支持。最后用棘突作骨块,在“单开门”的铰链处植骨以增强颈椎的稳定性。患者术后2周[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: Apofix椎板钩治疗创伤性寰枢椎不稳 下一个医学论文: 伴骨质疏松的颈椎病患者颈椎形态学及骨密度变化