脑卒中患者肢体运动功能的综合康复治疗 |
李桂生 杨春旭 李 平 黄海欣 宁四海 黄跃胜
摘要 对26例脑卒中患者采用以运动疗法为主的综合技术进行康复治疗,以Fugl-Meyer评分法进行功能评定。结果:经综合治疗的患者肢体运动功能,Fugl-Meyer总分比治疗前有极显著性差异(P<0.01)。而平衡、感觉功能、关节活动度、关节疼痛等治疗后亦较治疗前有明显改进,但无统计学意义。早期<3个月进行治疗的患者其肢体功能评分较非早期组高(P<0.01)。表明脑卒中偏瘫的综合治疗效果明显,早期治疗效果优于晚期治疗。 关键词 偏瘫; 肢体运动功能; Fugl-Meyer评分
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Therapy of Extremity Motor Function in Stroke Patients
Li Guisheng, Yang Chunxu, Li Ping, et al Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Liuzhou Worker s Hospital. Liuzhou 545005
Abstract Twenty-six cases of stroke primarily underwent the exercise therapy of comprehensive rehabilitation treatment. The Fugl-Meyer Scale was employed for the assessment of the functional status. The results showed that the extremity motor function and total Fugl-Meyer scale in the patients receiving comprehensive treatment were obviously increased as compared with those before treatment(P<0.01). After treatment, the balance, perceptive function, joint movement and joint pain etc. were also markedly improved without statistical significance. The scores of extremity function in the early rehabilitated patients within 3 months after treatment were higher than those of late-stage(>3 months) rehabilitated patients (P<0.01). The findings suggested that the effect of comprehensive treatment was evident in the patients with stroke and the effect with earlystage treatment superior to that with late-stage treatment. Key words cerebral stroke; hemiplegia; Fugl-Meyer scale
脑卒中的发病率、死亡率及致残率高已成为现代医学研究的热点之一。由于脑卒中急救成功的比例逐年增高,而我国康复医学起步较晚,不少临床医师康复意识不强以及其它的社会与经济原因等,绝大部分脑卒中患者还不能及时得到康复治疗,致残率明显增加。目前主张早期、全面(综合)康复。本文报道26例脑卒中患者早期进行全面康复的治疗效果。 1 资料与方法 1.1 病例选择 26例脑卒中患者系1995年4月~1996年11月住院患者,诊断按WHO标准,经临床和颅脑CT确认。男18例,女8例。年龄52~76岁,平均57岁。脑出血10例,脑梗塞16例。右侧偏瘫15例,左侧11例。伴运动性失语5例。发病后开始康复治疗时间为20~180 d,其中<30 d(早期组)10例,30~180 d(非早期组)16例。 1.2 残损程度的评估 采用Fugl-Meyer评价表评定患者的运动功能和其它综合功能,包括上臂、腕、手、下肢、平衡功能、感觉功能、关节活动度和疼痛共72个项目,总分[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 脑卒中患者每日训练计划 下一个医学论文: 脑卒中患者感知功能与日常生活活动能力的关系