心肌梗塞后左室重构对心功能康复的影响 |
张勤婷 刘新乔 安淑玲 张连彦
摘要 为观察心肌梗塞后左室重构导致左室腔的扩大及左室局部或整体的变形进而影响左室舒缩功能,对68例心肌梗塞患者在心肌梗塞 30 d(Ⅰ期)、1年(Ⅱ期)和3年(Ⅲ期)3个时期定期随访,分别应用彩色多普勒超声心动图仪动态分析心肌梗塞患者左室形态、大小、室壁运动情况及心脏舒缩功能,并与40例正常人(对照组)比较,同时选择Ⅰ期中出院后长期用药或间断用药的患者分为长期治疗组或间断治疗组,分析其各项参数,判断预后情况。结果:左室重构不仅发生在梗塞早期,而且远期仍在继续进行,左室形态和左室腔大小与心脏功能密切相关,而左室重构的程度与左室射血分数呈负相关。提示研究结果对心肌梗塞患者的康复有指导性意义。 关键词 心肌梗塞; 左室重构; 心脏功能
Effect of Left Ventricle Reconstruction Following Myocardial Infarction on the Cardiac Function Rehabilitation
Zhang Qinting, Liu Xinqiao, An Shuling, et al Demobilized Soldiers Hospital, Xingtai 054000
Abstract In order to observe the effects of left ventricle reconstruction following myocardial infarction on the systaltic function due to the enlargement of left ventricle cavity and the deformation of the local or whole left ventricle, regular follow-up was performed on 68 patients with myocardial infarction (MI) at the 30th day (stage Ⅰ), the lst year (stage Ⅱ) and the 3rd year (stage Ⅲ) after MI. The left ventricle appearance and size, the movement of the ventricle wall and the systaltic function in MI patients was dynamically analyzed with color Dopplor echocardiograph, and were compared with those in normal subjects. At the same time, the stage Ⅰ patients who took drugs long-term or with interruption after discharged from hospital were divided into long-term treatment group and interrupted treatment group, and the various parameters were analyzed to predict the prognosis. It was found that the left reconstruction not only occurred in the early stage of MI, but also remained progressive late. The left ventricle appearance and size was closely related with the cardiac function. The left reconstruction severity had a negative correlation with the left ventricle ejection fraction. The results had to do some with the rehabilitation of the patients with MI. Key words myocardial infarction; left ventricle reconstruction; cardiac function
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 达纳康对脑梗塞康复期的治疗作用 下一个医学论文: 心脏分级运动试验评价扩张型心肌病患者心功能的临床应用