达纳康对脑梗塞康复期的治疗作用 |
梅元武 陈吉相 邓学军 童萼塘
摘要 45例脑梗塞康复期患者采用口服达纳康片或肠溶阿斯匹林片治疗以对比观察达纳康对脑梗塞后脑功能障碍的康复治疗作用。应用脑卒中功能障碍评估法、听觉事件相关诱发电位和血液流变学等为评估指标。结果:口服达纳康片3个月后,患者的脑卒中功能障碍评估法评分提高,听觉事件相关诱发电位和血液流变学指数改善,与阿斯匹林片组比较,差异有显著性,P<0.01,0.05。提示达纳康是脑梗塞患者低血压状态的良好调节剂,其主要作用机理可能源于改善血液流变学指数和“三血管调节”作用。 关键词 达纳康; 脑梗塞; 血液流变学
Treatment of Tanakan to Cerebral Infarction Patients in Rehabilitation Stage
Mei Yuanwu, Chen Jixiang, Deng Xuejun, et al Department of Neurology, Xiehe Hospital, Tongji Medical University, Wuhan 430022
Abstract Forty-five cases of cerebral infarction in rehabilitation stage were divided into two groups: receiving Tanakan or aspirin respectively to comparatively observe the treatment of Tanakan to the patients with cerebral infarction. SIAS, P300, and blood rheology were used as the assessment indices. The results showed that Tanakan could increase SIAS scores, improve P300 and blood rheology indices. There was a significant difference in the therapeutic effects between the Tanakan-treated gropu and aspirin-treated group. It was suggested that Tanakan is a good regulator for hypotension status in the patients with cerebral infarction in the rehabilitation stage, and its main mechanism might be contributed to the improvement of blood rheology index and the action of the “trivessel regulation”. Key words tanakan; cerebral infarction; blood rheology
1997年度本科对收治的45例脑梗塞康复期患者采用达纳康片或阿斯匹林肠溶片口服治疗,并采用脑卒中功能障碍评估法(SIAS)进行观察,发现达纳康对脑梗塞康复期有良好的治疗作用。 1 资料与方法 1.1 对象 45例脑梗塞患者均经头颅CT或MRI证实。病程均在3个月内。全部病例分为3组:A组10例,男4例,女6例,年龄51~70岁,患者血压水平偏低(12~9.5/9.5~7 kPa);B组25例,男20例,女5例,年龄为50~75岁,均有高血压病史,并在接受抗高血压治疗;C组10例,男性7例,女性3例,年龄53~63岁,患者中部分有高血压病史,部分血压正常。 1.2 方法 A、B组给达纳康片40 mg每日3次口服。C组给阿斯匹林肠溶片50 mg每晚1次口服。有高血压患者继续使用原降压药物,剂量不变。3组在治疗观察期间不使用其它银杏叶制剂及活血化瘀的中成药,患者均在发病2周后开始用药,疗程3个月。 1.3 评测标准 3组患者观测治疗前后的血压、血液流变学指数、经颅多普勒(TCD)、听觉事件相关诱发电位(P300)、SIAS及简易精神状态检查量表(MMSE)。SIAS为日本康复学会新近对脑卒中功能障碍的评估法,包括感觉、运动[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 针刺配合运动疗法治疗脑卒中偏瘫 下一个医学论文: 心肌梗塞后左室重构对心功能康复的影响