针刺配合运动疗法治疗脑卒中偏瘫 |
摘要 为探索一种疗效好的治疗脑卒中偏瘫的方法,将60例脑卒中偏瘫患者随机分成综合组和对照组。综合组在传统针刺治疗的基础上配合现代康复医学的运动疗法,对照组仅用传统针刺疗法,采用Brunnstrom偏瘫运动评价法和Barthel指数分级法对患者治疗前后的运动功能及日常生活活动能力给予评价。结果:治疗后2组患者运动功能及日常生活活动能力均比治疗前有很大改善,但2组间比较,综合组疗效更明显(P<0.05),提示中西医结合治疗脑卒中偏瘫明显优于单纯针刺疗法,为提高临床疗效提供了一条新途径。 关键词 脑卒中; 偏瘫; 运动疗法; 针刺
Treatment of Hemiplegia after Stroke by Acupuncture Combined with Exercise Therapy
Li Wenxun Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Central Hospital of Jianghan Oil Field, Qianjiang 433124
Abstract In order to develop a good method to treat stroke-induced hemiplegia, 60 patients were randomly divided into two groups: the combined treatment group receiving the acupuncture therapy plus exercise therapy and control group only undergoing acupuncture therapy. By using the Brunnstrom hemiplegia motor functional test and the Barthel index grading method, the motor function and the activities of daily living were evaluated before and after the exercise respectively. The results showed that the curative effects in the combined treatment group were better than in the control group (P<0.05). It was suggested that the therapeutic effects of acupuncture combined with exercise to treat stroke-induced hemiplegia were obviously bettr than those by only acupuncture therapy. Key words stroke; hemiplegia; exercise therapy; acupuncture
脑卒中偏瘫是神经内科和康复医学科的常见病症,为探求一种疗效好的治疗方法,我们把针刺治疗与现代康复医学的运动疗法结合起来运用于临床,取得了较好的治疗效果。 1 资料与方法 1.1 对象 住院治疗的60例脑卒中偏瘫患者均为临床和CT确诊,男45例,女15例。年龄47~84岁。出血性18例,缺血性42例。病程<3个月,治疗时间3个疗程(36 d)。按入院先后顺序随机分为综合治疗组和对照组各30例。 1.2 方法 ①综合组:除一般对症用药外,均以针刺加运动疗法治疗。针刺以患侧为主,取穴肩骨 禺、肩贞、肩骨 、曲池、外关、内关、液门、肾俞、秩边、环跳、委中、足三里、阳陵泉、承山、昆仑、解溪、足临泣、行间[1],每次留针30 min,平补平泻,如若患者不能耐受则相应减少留针时间或用快速针刺不留针,每日1次,10次1疗程,停3 d再行第2疗程。连续治疗3疗程;运动疗法根据病情不同阶段采用相应的促进技术,每次治疗30 min,如若患者不能耐受,则相应减少治疗时间,每日1次,疗程同上。②对照组:一般对症用药外,采用针刺治疗,方法同综合组。 1.3 评定 运动功能评定采用Brunnstrom偏瘫运动功能评价法;日常生活活动能力的评定采用Barthel指数分级法,≥61分为良,患者能自理;41~60分为中,患者有功能障碍[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 感觉统合训练对学习困难儿童的疗效观察 下一个医学论文: 达纳康对脑梗塞康复期的治疗作用