感觉统合失调对儿童学习成绩及生长发育的影响 |
李丹 张革 盛洪
摘要 为探讨感觉统合失调对儿童学习成绩及生长发育的影响,对武汉市某小学一年级儿童进行了感觉统合能力发展评定、学习成绩的调查及生长发育指标的测量。结果:感觉统合功能正常组在与失调组语文、数学2门主课平均成绩上差异分别有显著和极显著性意义(P<0.05和0.01);生长发育指标2组间差异无显著性。提示在儿童中感觉统合失调发生率高,对儿童学习、心理健康造成负面影响,应引起学校、家长及全社会的重视。 关键词 儿童; 感觉统合失调; 学习成绩; 生长发育
Effect of Child Sensory Integration Disorder on the Academic Grade and Growth and Development
Li Dan, Zhang Ge, Sheng Hong Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Liyuan Hospital, Tongji Medical University, Wuhan 430077
Abstract In order to investigate the effect of sensory integration disorder on the academic grade and growth and development of the children, the sensory integration development was evaluated, the academic grade studied, and the indices for growth and development measured in the pupils of the first grade in a primary school in Wuhan city. The results indicated that there was a significant difference or very significant difference in the records of Chinese and Mathematics between sensory integration normal group and disorder group respectively (P<0.05 or <0.01). No significant difference in the indices for growth and development between the groups was found. It was suggested that sensory integration disorder had a bad effect on the learning and mental health in the children. Key words children; sensory integration disorder; record; growth and development
目前国内许多研究结果表明,在我国文化背景下,感觉统合失调与儿童行为问题关系密切,但有关感觉统合失调与儿童学习和生长发育的关系尚未见报道[1]。本文试图通过对武汉市某小学的调查进一步了解感觉统合失调与学习成绩和生长发育的关系。 1 对象与方法 1.1 对象 武汉市某小学一年级儿童共232例,男107例,女125例。年龄6岁146例,7岁86例。对6岁年龄段儿童进行了生长发育指标测量。 1.2 方法 ①采用全国统一制定的《儿童感觉统合能力发展评定量表》由专业人员指导学生家长填写收回,将各项原始分数转换成标准分数后进行统计,其中有一项失调即判定有感觉统合失调,>40分为正常,<40分被评为有感觉统合轻度失调,<30分为严重失调[2]。②抽调被测量儿童上学期期终考试成绩。③采用全国统一标准测量方法[3]由专人测量6岁段儿童的身高、体重、胸围、坐高。将所调查的学习成绩及生长发育测量结果均经t检验。 2 结果 感觉统合失调的评定:232例儿童中无感觉统合失调123例(正常组),女75例,男48例;有感觉统合失调109例(失调组),女50例,男59例,其中轻度失调84例占36.21%,重度失调25例占10.78%,总发生率为46.98%。男女性失调率分别为54[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 护生气质类型与护理临床带教 下一个医学论文: 感觉统合训练对学习困难儿童的疗效观察