膝关节损伤后期膝屈伸肌等速肌力测试随访研究 |
谢光柏1 姚文均1 陶新民1 曹曼林1 董贺玲1 吴海山2
摘要 目的:研究膝关节损伤后期伴有膝功能障碍患者膝屈伸肌的功能状态,探索膝屈伸肌力量比值与保持关节稳定、退行性骨关节病变与关节损伤的关系。方法: 采用Cybex-330型等速运动测试仪对24例膝关节损伤患者的双侧膝屈伸肌进行等速肌力测试,并结合双膝关节X-线摄片检查进行评定。结果:患膝、健膝屈伸肌峰力矩、单次最大做功量和平均功率在不同测试速度(60°/s、120°/s和180°/s)时均有不同程度下降,患膝下降更明显,双侧比较有显著性差异(P<0.01);由于膝屈伸肌力量的同步下降,在慢、中速测试时屈膝肌力矩值与伸膝肌力矩值的比值保持在正常值范围;X-线检查患膝或健膝均有不同程度的退行性骨关节病变发生。结论:膝关节损伤后期影响关节功能的因素是膝屈伸肌力量的下降、退行性骨关节炎等;认为对膝关节损伤病人的康复训练应同步增强膝屈伸肌力量,这对保持膝关节的稳定性,防治退行性骨关节病变的发生、发展有重要作用。 关键词 等速测试;膝关节损伤; 康复评定
Isokinetic evaluation of knee flexors and extensors strength following late stage of knee joint injuries/XIE Guangbo,YAO Wenjun,TAO Xinmin,et al//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1998, 13(1):6~10 Abstract Objective:To evaluate the function status of knee flexors and extensors strength, and hamstring/quadriceps(H/Q) in patients with knee joint dysfunction after knee joint injuries to find the possible relationship among different H/Q ratios,knee joint degeneration and long-term outcome. Methods:Twenty-four patients with knee joint dysfunction after knee joint injuries received isokinetic dynamometer testing in both knees flexors and extensors strength with the Cybex-330 isokinetic dynamometer, and X-ray examination. Results:The peak torque values, total work and average power of both knee flexors and extensors were low at three angular velocities (60°/s,120°/s,180°/s ), especially in the involved knee than in the uninvolved knee.The H/Q values of both knees were normal (60°/s,120°/s), and X-ray indicated knee joint degeneration changes in involved or in uninvolved knee. Conclusion:The study suggested that main reasons of the knee dysfunction following knee joint injuries were osteoarthritis and the strength of the knee flexors and extensors decrease.Increase of the strength of both flexors and extensors might play an important role in maintaining the stability of the knee joint. Author′s address Dept. of Rehabil[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: F波检测在腰骶神经根压迫征的诊断和康复评定中的价值 下一个医学论文: 等速肌肉训练技术的临床应用研究