双桥运动时下肢肌的肌电分析 |
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摘要 目的:了解双桥运动时偏瘫病人下肢主要屈伸肌群的收缩情况。方法:测定10例正常人和36例偏瘫病人在双桥运动时股四头肌、绳肌、胫前肌和小腿三头肌的表面积分肌电值,并比较两侧同名肌的比值。结果:双桥运动时,仅大腿肌有明显的肌电活动,正常人两侧对称(P>0.05),偏瘫病人患侧大腿肌的肌电变化明显低于健侧(P<0.05);小腿肌在运动前后肌电变化不明显。结论:双桥运动对抑制偏瘫病人下肢的协同模式有利。 关键词 双桥运动;积分肌电值;股四头肌;绳肌;胫前肌;小腿三头肌
Electromyographic analysis of lower limb muscle for bridging exercise/XU Gang, XU Mingxiang//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1998, 13(2):65~68 Abstract Objective:To determine the effects of bridging exercise on quadriceps femoris muscle, hamstrings muscle, anterior tibial muscle and gastrocnemiussoleus muscle.Methods:The surface integrated electromyographic(IEMG) studies were performed on 10 healthy subjects and 36 hemiplegic stroke patients. Mean value of IEMG of one side was comparied with that of another side. Results:There were obvious EMG activity in the thigh muscle than in the leg muscle. The EMG activity of the affected thigh muscle was less than that of the unaffected side for hemiplegic patients(P<0.05).There were no signifiant difference in the healthy subjects(P>0.05).Conclusion:Bridging exercise is beneficial to inhibit lower limb mass synergy. Author′s address The Worker Hospital of Jiangsu Petroleum Prospect Bureau, Jiangdu, Jiangsu, 225261 Key words Bridging exercise;Integrated electromyographic; Quadriceps femoris muscle; Hamstring muscle; Anterior tibial muscle; Gastrocnemiussoleus muscle
1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 1.1.1 对象:随机选取10例无脑血管病及腰腿痛病史的自愿者,其中男6例,女4例;年龄最小21岁,最大60岁,平均47岁。患者为1996年7月~1997年9月间我科收治的脑血管意外后偏瘫的36例病人,排除有高级脑功能障碍、下肢疼痛、骨关节疾患,以及两次以上发作者。其中男22例,女14例;全部病人均经过CT检查证实,脑出血15例,脑梗塞21例;病程最短3个月,最长30个月,平均病程19个月;年龄最小53岁,最大76岁,平均64.5岁;有一定的语言理解能力,能充分理解试验程序;能下床活动;左侧偏瘫23例,右侧偏瘫13例;下肢Brunnstrom分级Ⅳ期16例,Ⅴ期20例。 1.1.2 仪器:为国产WOND-1型肌电/诱发电位仪。灵敏度200~500&mu[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: INTERNET上的康复医学信息资源的开发 下一个医学论文: 关于Pusher现象的症状学研究