脑瘫患者使用个人计算机中的问题及对策 |
作者单位:许世跃 四川生殖卫生学院 成都 610041 郑 路 四川省第五人民医院 成都 610041
1 James B. Abbey. Brining Compater to the Handicapped. Discovery 84: Technology for Disabled Person Stoat vocational Rehhilitation. Institute. University of Wisconsin-Stout, 1985,1~4 2 Stephanie T. Layton, & Jay E, Yourist. Microcomputer Education for Employment of the Disabled: Discovery Ⅲ: Training and Technology for the Disabled. Materials Department Center, Schoal of Education and Human Services, University of Niscorsin-Stout, 1986,15~16 3 Jessie KM, Easton, & Daniel Halpern Cerebral palsy. Handbook of Severe Disability the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, 1981,144~148 4 孙大勇著. Windows 95使用指南.北京:国防工业出版社, 1996,236~263 5 华键著. 计算机软件手册.北京:华龄出版社, 1995,114~161
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