血浆内皮素测定和急性脑血管病康复分期关系的研究 |
刘 楠1 郑 安1 余启胜2 黄华品1
摘要 目的:检测急性脑血管病患者血浆内皮素(ET)的浓度,探讨ET在疾病发展中的动态变化。方法:采用放射免疫法测定78例急性脑血管病患者在不同康复分期的血浆ET浓度。结果:发现急性脑血管病患者的血浆ET水平于病程第3天(相当于康复早期)最高,第7天(相当于软瘫期)次之,第14天(相当于软瘫期与痉挛期的过渡期)明显降低,但仍高于正常对照组,第30天(相当于痉挛期)降至正常范围。结论:血浆ET水平监测有助于急性脑血管病患者的康复分期和康复医疗。 关键词 内皮素;急性脑血管病;康复分期
Relationship between serum endothelin and convalcent stages in patients with acute CVD/LIU Nan,ZHENG An,YU Qisheng,et al//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine,1998,13(3):111~112 Abstract Objective:To explore the dynamical change of serum endothelin in the patients with acute cerebrovascular disease(ACVD).Method:To detect the serum endothelin by radioimmunology in different convalecent stages in 78 patients with ACVD.Result:The serum endothelin level in patients with ACVD increased most in the third day from the onset(equal the early convalecent stage),increased secondly in the seventh day(equal the soft palsy stage) decreased significantly but was higher than the normal in the fourtith day, and decreased to the normal in the thirtith day.Conclusion:The serum endothelin would be a helpful potential test to predict the different convalecent stage and to reflect the treatment in patients with ACVD. Author′s address Dept. of Neurology,Union Hospital of Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou,350001 Key words Endothelin;Acute celebrovascular disease;Convalecent stage
1 材料与方法 1.1 检测对象 经CT或MRI确诊的急性脑血管病(acute celebrovascular disease,ACVD)住院患者78例,男52例,女26例;年龄63.74±9.67(52~83)岁,其中梗塞组52例,脑出血组26例。所有患者均符合第二届全国脑血管病会议所制定的诊断标准。正常对照组35例,男24例,女11例,年龄61.58±7.34(54~80)岁,均为体检建康成年人。二组均无心、肾、内分泌等疾病,肝肾功能及心电图检查正常。 1.2 血浆ET放射免疫测定 取晨起空腹周围静脉血2ml,注入含10%EDTA二钠30μl和抑肽酸40μl试管中[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 中风患者上肢本体感觉强化训练的意义 下一个医学论文: 躯干肌训练对偏瘫患者恢复的影响