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杨佩君1 陈俊宁1 张 蕲1 陈凯敏1 蒋 斌1 邵 钧1 蔡海鸥1 王美芬1 张伟明1
摘要 目的:客观、定量了解正常及多种疾病患者的静立平衡功能;检验国际上常用指标及新增指标的敏感性。方法:运用国产电脑型人体平衡功能检测仪对504例正常人及246例神经科、五官科、骨伤科患者进行检测,分析比较其静态姿势图。结果:该仪器大部分指标与年龄呈曲线关系,脑卒中、共济失调、颈椎病及非颈椎眩晕患者静立稳定性明显下降,帕金森病在0.01~0.1Hz摆动相对功率增加。四肢骨骼疾病患者静立稳定性较小。结论:该仪器部分指标与年龄相关,疾病状况下平衡功能发生变化。该检查能客观、定量评价人体静立平衡功能,对疾病诊断及鉴别诊断也有帮助。 关键词:平衡;姿势图;定量评价
Clinical application of balance function test with homemade computerized balance instrument/YANG Peijun, CHEN Junning, ZHANG Qi ,et al//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1998, 13(4):151~155 Abstract Objective: To study objectively and quantatitively the static postural control of healthy volunteers and patients with varied diseases; to test the sensitivity of the usual and new parameters . Method: To test 504 volunteers and 246 patients concerning neurology,ENT,bone-joint disorders with homemade computerized balance assessment instrument,analyze and compare the static posturography. Result: There was curve correlation between the majority parameters with age.Static stability of patients with stroke,ataxia,cervical disease and non-cervical dizziness apparently declined,but didn′t alter in patients with limb-skeletal disorders. 0.01~0.1Hz relative sway power frequency in the Parkinson′s diseases increased. The new parameters: Deg is stable and Eng could represent comprehensive balance founction.Conclusion: Some parameters of this instrument are concerned with age. The balance function changed in patients. This instrument could be used to assess the static standing stability objectively and quantitatively. Author′s address Dept. of Rehabilitation, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Second Medical University,200025 Key words Balance;Posturography;Quantitative assessment
平衡功能检测在临床上日益受到人们的重视。近年来,国际上用压力平板姿势图(prossure platform posturography)来客观、定量的评价人体平衡功能,在神经科〔1〕、耳鼻喉科〔2〕、骨科、老年病科〔3〕、麻醉科〔4〕应用十分广泛,甚至在宇航医学中都有应用〔5〕。本研究用国产电脑型人体平衡功能检测仪对750名正常人及患者进行检测,以收集国产[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 假肥大型肌营养不良患者肌型肌酸激酶亚型的临床研究 下一个医学论文: 慢性阻塞性肺病患者极量运动后气体交换参数的恢复