冠状动脉搭桥术的麻醉 附205例报告 |
卿恩明 宋瑞冥 王学勇 廖大成
摘 要:报告205例冠状动脉搭桥术麻醉病人中,合并高血压者为51.2%,糖尿病者为12.1%。麻醉诱导静注乙托咪酯、γ-OH、咪唑安定、芬太尼和潘库溴铵。麻醉维持持续静注大剂量芬太尼(50μg/kg),间断吸入安氟醚辅助。对高血压病人用硝酸甘油或硝普钠控制血压。糖尿病病人除不输糖外,酌情输注胰岛素将血糖控制在11.2mmol/L(200mg/dl)以下。 关键词:冠状动脉搭桥术 麻醉处理
Anesthetic management for the operation of coronary artery by-pass graft (an analysis of 205 cases)
Qing Enming (Department of anesthesiology, Beijing An Zhen Hospital, Beijing 100029) Song Ruiming (Department of anesthesiology, Beijing An Zhen Hospital, Beijing 100029) Wang Xueyong (Department of anesthesiology, Beijing An Zhen Hospital, Beijing 100029)
Abstract:Two hundred and five patients were anesthetized for the operation of coronary artery bypass graft(CABG), of which 51.2% were suffered from hypertension and 12.1% diabetes mellitus. Etomidate, γ-OH, midazolam, fentanyl and pavulon were given intravenously for induction. The anesthesia was maintained by continous infusion of high-dose fentanyl (50μg/kg) and intermittent inhalation of Enflurane. Nitroglycerin or nitroprusside was given for control of hypertension. For diabetic patients, no glucose was infused and insulin was given to control the blood sugar level below 11.2mmol/L(200mg/dl). Key words:Coronary artery by-pass graft Anesthetic management▲
一、一般资料 本组病人205例,其中男176例,女29例。年龄36~73岁,平均57.60±9.80岁。体重46~92kg,平均71.10±12.40kg。全组中有心绞痛者184例,其中不稳定型心绞痛者126例,有心肌梗塞史者96例(占46.8%)。术前有高血压史者为105例(51.2%),合并糖尿病者25例(占12.1%)。术前心功能分级(NYHA):Ⅰ级32例,Ⅱ级87例,Ⅲ级65例,Ⅳ级21例。左室射血分数(EF)>50%者115例,40%~49%者64例,<40%者26例。 二、麻醉处理 吗啡0.2mg/kg,东莨菪硷0.3mg,麻醉前半小时肌肉注射。入手术室后面罩吸氧,监测心电图,局麻下穿刺桡动脉 。麻醉诱导:在血压监视下进行,用药主要有两种方法:①静注安定0.1~0.2mg/kg或咪唑安定0.15~0.2mg/kg,芬太尼10~20μg/kg,血压高病人加用氟哌啶0.1~0.2mg/kg。②静注γ-OH 30[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 原发性甲状腺恶性肿瘤55例临床分析 下一个医学论文: 不同程度肝硬变患者甲状腺素 性激素及促性腺激素的变化