开放性胫腓骨骨折手术治疗体会 |
编者按 作为县医院能够总结88例开放骨折实为不易,是一项有意义的临床总结。 目前对于开放骨折一般采用Gusttilio分型。内固定使用的原则是固定可靠,最大限度地减少损伤区域的血运破坏。据此原则,对GustilioⅠ度损伤要正确地闭合伤口,同时采用适当的固定方法。对于Ⅱ、Ⅲ度损伤的处理仍有争论,其焦点为使用何种固定方法,其中包括牵引、外固定架、非扩髓带锁髓内针及钢板螺钉固定等,但不过分强调一期闭合伤口,甚至提出对Ⅱ、Ⅲ度损伤在72小时内重复清创的概念。故本文强调“积极内固定,妥善闭合伤口”的概念应改为“最大限度地减少损伤部位的血运进一步破坏,必要时重复清创,一期采用适当的固定(包括外固定架及非扩髓带锁髓内针等)”较为恰当。
齐春贵 郭岩风 吴瑞森
摘 要:自1993年~1996年底我院共收治小腿开放性骨折88例,通过对病人治疗总结及回顾OFSS评分分析认为,OFSS评分可基本反应骨折严重程度,对OFSS评分大于1.5者行清创切开复位内固定切口减张后缝合,减张区植皮。OFSS评分越高感染可能性越大,但OFSS评分对肢体肿胀、污染情况及小腿胫前胫后动脉损伤情况反应不足。治疗时应结合此三点综合考虑。对于开放性骨折遵循彻底清创并积极内固定妥善闭合伤口是完全必要的。 关键词:胫腓骨开放性骨折 OFSS评分 手术治疗
Evaluation of treatment for open tibio-fibula fracture
Qi Chungui (Department of Orthopedics, Miyun County Hospital, Beijing 101500) Guo Yanfeng (Department of Orthopedics, Miyun County Hospital, Beijing 101500) Wu Ruisen (Department of Orthopedics, Miyun County Hospital, Beijing 101500)
Abstract:From 1993 to 1996, 88 patients with tibio-fibula open fractures were treated in our hospital. From the conclusion of treatment and analysis of retrospective OFSS grade, it is considered that OFSS grade corresponds to the severity of fracture basically. If the grade is more than 1.5, debridement, open reduction, internal fixation, closure after relaxing incision of the skin, and split skin flap graft. The higher the OFSS grade, the more possibility of infection will ensue. However, in case of swollen extremities, the situation of infection and condition of injuries to the anterior and posterior tibia arteries, OFSS grading seems not efficient. The conclusion for open fractures is to do debridement throughly, to perform internal fixation properly, and to close the wound correctly. Key words:Tibio-fibula fracture OFSS grade Operative treatment▲
小腿开放性骨折发病率高,近年来随着交通伤的增多,发病呈上升趋势。骨折多为粉碎性,因胫前软组织少,易发生骨外露,治疗较困难。我院自1993年至今对此型骨折行手术治疗,疗效较好,并对其行回顾性OFSS评分[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 颅脑手术病人术中亚低温的脑保护作用 下一个医学论文: 原发性甲状腺恶性肿瘤55例临床分析