兔膝挛缩髌韧带应力松弛及蠕变特性的研究 |
倪国新1 成海平2 吴宗耀2
摘要 目的:探讨兔挛缩膝关节髌韧带的应力松弛和蠕变特性,为临床治疗提供理论依据。方法:将兔膝关节伸直位制动6周,复制伸直型挛缩膝关节模型,然后分别在37℃、42℃的条件下,对正常组和制动组髌韧带行应力松弛和蠕变试验。结果:正常组和制动组髌韧带均表现出较明显的应力松弛和蠕变现象;无论是正常组还是制动组,37℃和42℃之间髌韧带的最大应力松弛率、最大蠕变率均无显著性差异(P>0.05),制动组42℃时髌韧带的最大蠕变率较正常组42℃有显著性增加(P<0.01)。结论:髌韧带的这种应力松弛和蠕变特性可从机理上解释牵引、夹板等疗法在挛缩关节康复治疗中的有效性;37℃和42℃的温差对髌韧带的最大应力松弛率和最大蠕变率均无显著性影响。 关键词 制动;挛缩;膝关节;髌韧带;应力松弛;蠕变
A study on stress relaxation and creep of patellar ligament on knee contraction/NI Guoxin,CHENG Haiping,WU Zongyao//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine,1998,13(5):209~211 Abstract Objective:To discover the properties of stress relaxation and creep of patellar ligament(PL) on knee contraction in rabbits.Method:The knee of rabbits were immobilized in extension position for 6 weeks,then the properties of stress relaxation and creep of PL and the effect of temperature on them were investigated at 37℃ and 42℃.Result:Either in normal or in immobilized group,the stress relaxation and creep of PL were all obvious,and the maximum stress relaxation rate and maximum creep rate were not significantly different between 37℃ and 42℃.At 42℃,the maximun creep rate of PL in immobilized group increased significantly than normal group(P<0.01).Conclusion:Effects of the therapeutic methods such as traction therapy,static splinting,etc,for the rehabilitation of joint contracture were explained mechanically by this study.Effects of 5℃ temperature difference on the properties of stress relaxation and creep of PL were not significant either in normal or in immobilized group. Author′s address Dept. of Rehabilitation,Nanjing Military General Hospital,210002 Key words Immobilization;Contracture;Knee;Patellar ligament;Stress relaxation;Creep
关节挛缩是康复医学中常遇到的问题之一。目前对关节挛缩最常采用的康复措施有牵引、夹具(夹板和支具)、运动等,它们实质上都是利用生物软组织粘弹性的力学疗法〔1,2〕。在软组织生物力学方面,以往的研究大多仅限于对组织应力-应变关系等方面〔3,4〕,而在挛缩关节的康复治疗中,更多的利用了软组织的应力松弛(stress relaxation)、蠕变(creep)等特性。如夹具实质上是软组织应力松弛特性的应用,而牵引即是利用了软组[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 人体平衡检测在颈椎病临床中的意义 下一个医学论文: 寰齿关节退行性变及其与枕颈痛的关系