儿童眩晕症100例临床分析 |
沈懿 廉能静 杨宜林 赵小燕
摘 要:总结1992年1月~1997年3月我院听力眩晕门诊就诊的100例眩晕儿童的临床特征及治疗经过,男60例,女40例,年龄4~13岁,平均9岁。根据病史、听力检查、前庭功能检查及颅脑和颞骨CT扫描,诊断为儿童良性阵发性眩晕73例,梅尼埃病5例,前庭导水管扩大症2例,前庭神经元炎2例,癫痫4例,属外周性眩晕者95例(95.0%),中枢性眩晕5例(5.0%)。应用抗眩晕药物及血管扩张剂进行治疗,48例随访0.5~5年,35例治愈(72.9%),12例好转(25.0%),仅1例伴感音神经性聋者未愈。 关键词:儿童 眩晕
Clinical analysis of 100 cases with vertigo in children
Shen Yi (Beijing Otolaryngology Institute,Tong Ren Hospital,Beijing 100730) Lian Nengjing (Beijing Otolaryngology Institute,Tong Ren Hospital,Beijing 100730) Yang Yilin (Beijing Otolaryngology Institute,Tong Ren Hospital,Beijing 100730)
Abstract:An analysis of the characteristics and treatments for 100 cases with vertigo in children treated in the Hearing Clinic of Tongren Hospital from 1991~1997 was made. There were male patients 60, female 40, the age was 4~13 years old with 9 year old as the average.Based on the history of the patiants and the results of test including hearing examination, vestibular function test and cranial and temporal CT scan. 73 cases were diagnosed as bengin paroxysmal vertigo,5 cases as Meniere s disease,2 cases as a queductus vestibuli enlargement, 4 cases as epilepsy,95% was peripheral vertigo and 5.0% central vertigo.Treatment consisted use of anti-vertigo drugs and vasodilators.The result of 0.5~5 years follow-up of 48 cases, chowed 35 cases sured 72.9%, 12 cases improved (25.0%),1 case failed. Key words:Children Vertigo▲
一、一般资料 门诊收治的100例患儿中,男60例,女40例,年龄4~13岁,平均9.4岁。就诊时均以发作性眩晕为主诉,轻者视物摇动、旋转;重者同时伴恶心、呕吐,可在短期内反复、频繁发作,每周数次。眩晕同时伴耳鸣、听力下降19例,其中单侧13例,双侧6例(双耳听力下降左右侧不对称1例)。平时有晕车史36例,晕车阳性家族史25例,以父母、祖父母、外祖父母为多。发病前有感冒史36例,腮腺炎史3例,过去有脑外伤史2例。眩晕反复发作,病程半年以上54例,最长7年。 二、检查方法 1.体格检查:一般发育情况良好,智力正常,无贫血征象。耳、鼻、咽常规检查基本正常。
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