先天性低位肛门闭锁术后疗效观察 |
马丽霜 马继东 马汝柏 曾向红 姚俊洁 戴燕虹
摘 要:为了研究先天性低位肛门闭锁手术后肛门外观与排便功能情况,我们随访了25例术后患儿,分别查询排便情况,进行了临床体检、直肠肛管测压及钡灌肠检查。结果:80%患儿排便正常;术后外观主要缺陷为:肛门后切术后遗留的“∧”形缺损、粘膜外翻、肛门位置前移及会阴短缩;部分患儿直肠测压、钡灌肠检查指标仍劣于正常儿。作者认为合并瘘管并经肛门后切术治疗的部分患儿,应在术后一定时间行Ⅱ期手术,切除瘘管粘膜,缝合皮肤,必要时修补括约肌,以获得术后更理想的肛门外观与排便控制功能。 关键词:先天性低位肛门闭锁 排便功能
The postoperative result of congenital low imperforate anus
Ma Lishuang (Dept.of Surgery,Capital Institute of Pediatrics,Beijing 100020) Ma Jidong (Dept.of Surgery,Capital Institute of Pediatrics,Beijing 100020) Ma Rubo (Dept.of Surgery,Capital Institute of Pediatrics,Beijing 100020)
Abstract:In order to study of the postoperative appearence of anus and its defecating function in patients with congenital low imperforate anus, enquirres of the condition defecation,physical examination,measurement of and rectal pressure and Barium enema were made in 25 patients. The result showed that defecative function was good in 80% of the patients.The main abnormal appearence were extroversion of mucosa,forward position of the anus,perineum shortening and the “∧”defect after the procedure of cut-back.Abnormal anorectal pressure and Barium study were still pressent in some of them. It is concluded that most patients with fistula who underwent the procedure of ctu-back should be followed up to see if the Ⅱ-stage of operation is needed.In order to achieve a satisfactory function of defecation and continence,the main points of procedure are cutting off the total internal mucosa of fistula,suturing the defect in skin and repairing the sphincter when necessary. Key words:Low imperforate anus Defecating funtion ▲
我院自1985年6月~1996年12月共收治先天性直肠肛门闭锁230例。其中高位47例,中间位65例,低位118例。25例低位肛门闭锁术后患儿获得随访,分别查询了平日排便情况,进行了临床体格检查,部分患儿做了直肠肛管测压和钡灌肠检查。 一、一般资料 本组共25例,男23例,女2例。病变情况:合并皮肤瘘[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 心跳骤停后的病理生理变化及心脏复苏药物应用进展 下一个医学论文: 乌拉地尔对高血压病的疗效及安全性研究