脑卒中急性期运动功能评定方法对比研究 |
杨朝辉 李洁明
摘要 收集在本院神经内科住院的脑卒中患者32例,于发病后4~18(6.53±2.94)d及19~48(29.63±6.83)d分别用MAS量表和Fugl-Meyer法进行前后2次评定,采用μ-检验分析比较两种评定方法得分及提高分数的差异性,探讨两种方法评定急性期脑卒中发病约1个月运动功能状态的灵敏性。结果:第2次评定MAS量表得分显著性高于Fugl-Meyer法得分,运动功能水平提高分数差异亦有显著性(P<0.05)。提示MAS量表能较好地反映急性期脑卒中患者运动功能恢复情况,是评定急性期脑卒中患者的较好方法。 关键词 脑卒中;运动功能;评定
Comparative Study on the Methods for Evaluating Motor Function in Acute Stroke.
Yang Zhaohui, Li Jieming.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Xiehe Hospital, Tongji Medical University, Wuhan 430022
Abstract Thirty-two patients with acute stroke were studied by using MAS and Fugl-Meyer scales for 2 times on the 4th to 18th day and 19th to 48th day after the onset. The differences in the scores between the two evaluating methods were analyzed by using the μ test to investigate the sensitivity of the two methods for evaluating motor function of the patients with acute stroke about one month after the onset. The results showed that the second MAS scores were significantly higher than that of the Fugl-Meyer and the improving scores presented the same results (P<0.05). It was suggested that the MAS scale could reveal the recovery of motor function better in the acute stroke patients and was a useful method to evaluate the recovery of motor function in acute stroke patients. Key words stroke; motor function; assessment
1 资料与方法
1.1 病例选择 收集1996年3~12月在本院神经内科住院的患者,符合以下条件者列为研究对象①符合脑卒中诊断标准,并经CT或MRI证实。②首次发病的急性期患者。③不合并有影响功能恢复的神经或肌肉骨骼疾病。④一侧肢体瘫痪,无失语、无明显疼痛及无智力障碍,检查合作。 1.2 方法 为避免紧张疲劳等不必要的外界干扰,患者于入院后第3 d由固定人员在连续3 d内分别进行orpington[2]、MAS量表、Fugl-Meyer法[3]评定,于出院前2 d进行第2次MAS量表及Fugl-Meyer法评定。根据orpington得分将病情分为轻度(<3分)、中度(3~5分)、重度(>5分)。Fugl-Meyer法参考卓大宏主编的《中国康复医学》中的评定方法,包括上肢(66[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 初发老年脑梗死患者生活自理能力预测研究 下一个医学论文: 复发性脑梗死的危险因素