初发老年脑梗死患者生活自理能力预测研究 |
肖秀红 燕铁斌 许俭兴
摘要 为预测初发老年脑梗死住院患者出院时的生活自理能力,采用回顾性分析的方法对1991~1994年住院的年龄>60岁的初发脑梗死患者共242例,去除入院时能独立步行(90例)及住院期间死亡(13例)的病例,剩余139例按出院时的生活能否自理而分为自理组(56例)和非自理组(83例)。对发病时的情况,入院后第1次的各种检查结果以及康复治疗等参数进行单因素(t和χ2检验)和多元回归分析。结果:单因素分析中,血糖、糖尿病史及其年限、入院时神志、认知障碍、尿失禁、大片脑梗死及康复治疗等,2组间差异有显著性(P<0.05);多元回归分析发现性别、住院天数、糖尿病史、心肌缺血、尿白细胞、大片梗死、认知障碍及康复治疗共8个因素与患者生活自理能力有相关性(P=0.001~0.056)。提示根据老年脑梗死患者发病及入院时的相关参数可以预测出院时的生活自理能力,并为拟定早期康复计划提供客观依据。 关键词 脑梗死;生活自理能力;预后预测;多元回归;认知
Prediction about Self-Care Ability of Gerontal Inpatients with First-Ever Cerebral Infarction.
Xiao Xiuhong, Yan Tiebin, Xu Jianxing.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510120
Abstract In order to predict self-care ability of gerontal inpatients with first-ever cerebral infarction at discharge, 139 cases of first-ever cerebral infarction were retrospectively studied. They were devided into two groups: self-care group (n=56) and non self-care group (n=83). The data about the patients manifestation at the onset, the first results of laboratory after admission and rehabilitation therapy were analyzed by using single factor test and multiple logistic regression. It was found that there was significant difference in blood sugar, diabetes history and fixed nubmer of years, consciousness, cognitive disorder, urinary incontinence, area of cerebral infarction, and rehabilitation therapy between the two groups (P<0.05). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the sex, hospitalized days, diabetes history, myocaridal ischemia, urinary white blood cells, area of cerebral infarction, cognitive disorder and rehabilitation therapy were related with the self-care ability of the patients (P=0.0001-0.056). It was concluded that self-care ability of the patients with first-ever cerebral infarction could be predicted according to patients information at the onset and admission. cerebral[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 经颅磁刺激用于实验性脑缺血的安全性研究 下一个医学论文: 脑卒中急性期运动功能评定方法对比研究