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许 涛 郭正成

  摘要 为研究经颅磁刺激应用于实验性脑缺血的安全性,将30只Wistar大鼠用光化学诱导皮层脑梗死形成的方法造成局部脑缺血的动物模型后随机分成3组(治疗组Ⅰ、治疗组Ⅱ及对照组),每组各10只。经颅磁刺激在治疗组Ⅰ用0.5Hz、70%的最大输出强度,治疗组Ⅱ用1Hz、100%的最大输出强度,对照组不采取干予措施。治疗于造模后24~48 h开始,每只鼠30个脉冲刺激/次/d,连续16 d,总共480个脉冲刺激。结果:2个经颅磁刺激治疗组均未引起继发性脑出血及癫痫发作;各组的行为学评分没有差异;2治疗组与对照组的病理修复的成分相同,只是程度有所差异。提示1Hz、100%的最大输出强度和0.5Hz、70%的最大输出强度的经颅磁刺激对于实验性脑缺血是安全的。
  关键词 经颅磁刺激;脑缺血;安全性

Safety of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Experimental Cerebral Ischemia.

Xu Tao, Guo Zhengcheng.

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical University, Wuhan 430030

  Abstract The safety of transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS) was studied. Cerebral ischemia was induced in the rats using photochemically focal cerebral thrombosis. The thirty cerebral ischemic rats were divided into three groups. Ten rats served as the control group, and the remaining rats were subdivided into two groups for different modes of stimulation. Twenty-four to 48 h after occlusion, 30 pulses per day for 16 consecutive days were applied to the rats, a total of 480 pulses. 0.5Hz and 70 % of maximal intensity were applied to group TMS-I, 1 Hz and 100 % of maximal intensity was applied to group TMS-II. It was found no secondary bleeding within or outside the infarcted territory and no histological damage occurred in the TMS treated rats. There were no significant differences in neurological deficits between the two TMS groups and the control group. The elements of pathological repair in the three groups were the same. The conclusion was drawn that the TMS (0.5 Hz and 70 % of maximal intensity and 1Hz and 100% of maximal intensity) was safe on the cerebral ischemic rats.
  Key words transcranial magnetic stimulation; cerebral ischemia; safety


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