临床胰岛移植疗效分析 |
编者按 目前糖尿病患者日趋增多,胰岛细胞移植有望成为有效治疗方法。本文作者行同种异体胎儿胰岛细胞移植,并随访1~10年,近期效果较好。而移植术后观察项目以胰岛素用量及C-肽水平为评定胰岛移植治疗1型糖尿病疗效的重要指标,本文24例中C-肽未达正常水平且亦未全测试,故此治疗方法尚在临床实验阶段。
孟庆敏 龚家镇 文 武 周鸣淑 刘惠玲
摘 要:本文对24例1型糖尿病患者行临床同种异体胎儿胰岛细胞移植治疗,对移植术后1~10年以上疗效进行分析。术前病人胰岛素用量为34~92U/d,经过术后不同时期的随访观察,较术前胰岛素用量减少,大部分患者均为50%左右(P<0.01)。其空腹血糖基本维持在正常范围内。本组6例合并糖尿病眼底病变,术后有4例有不同程度好转。到目前为止,有的病例术后10年以上,仍未发现明显的功能减退。 关键词:1型糖尿病 胰岛移植 并发症
Analysis of the effect of clinical islet transplantation
Meng Qingmin (Department of Surgery,Beijing Tongren Hospital,Capital University of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100730) GongJiazhen (Department of Surgery,Beijing Tongren Hospital,Capital University of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100730) Wen Wu (Department of Surgery,Beijing Tongren Hospital,Capital University of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100730)
Abstract:We evaluated the result of human fatal is let allotransplantation in 24 patients with Type I diabetes mellitus 1 to more than 10 years after operation.The insulin requirement of patients were from 34U/d to 92 U/d before operation,after grafting,however,the doses of insulin reduced more than 50% in most of patients at different postoperative follow-up stage(P<0.01).The fast glycemia basically maintained within normal range.Following operation,four of six patients concomitant with diabetic ocular fundus disease were seen making different degree of progress.Up till now,some of patients who underwent transplantation 10 years ago weren t found any marked decrease in graft function. Key words:Type 1 diaberes mellitus Islet transplantation Complication▲
临床资料 一、一般资料 24例中,男性18例,女性6例,年龄22~54岁。病程3~22年,6例并发糖尿病眼底病变(其中1例已失明),3例并发肾脏病变,2例并发末梢神经病变,5例有明确糖尿病家族史。入院前大[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 原发性输尿管恶性肿瘤的诊治问题 附54例报告 下一个医学论文: 口咽气道结合BiPAP呼吸机治疗 型呼衰的临床研究