脑损伤范围和部位与运动功能恢复的关系 |
王兴林 张 健 梁晓镛 郭秀英
摘要 目的:根据CT扫描确定脑损伤的部位及大小,探讨康复后患者运动功能的恢复情况。方法:根据病例选择标准,从78例中选出35例,男24例,女11例;年龄16~70岁;左侧病变18例,右侧16例,双侧1例(特殊病例);脑血肿19例,脑梗塞或脑实质软化16例。 CT检查采用横断面扫描,厚度1cm。采用康复运动及功能性电刺激治疗。结果:额顶叶受损主要表现为手的精细运动及踝背屈功能障碍;基底节部分病变累及内囊中部主要表现为手指的精细运动恢复差,Barthel指数均达100分;内囊大部分或完全受累,病变范围 43.6±21.3cm3, Barthel指数为69.2±7.3分, Brunnstrom 上肢Ⅱ级2例,Ⅲ级5例, Ⅳ级5例,Ⅴ级1例;手Ⅱ级6例,Ⅲ级4例,Ⅳ级3例;下肢Ⅳ级13例。结论:CT检查确定病变部位及大小,有助于判断患者康复后日常生活活动能力及运动功能恢复的预后。 关键词 脑损伤; 康复; 预后
The relationship of motor recovery with cerebral damage in size and location after rehabilitation
WANG Xinglin,ZHANG Jian, LIANG Xiaoyong, et al Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1999, 14(4):153~156
Abstract Objective:The size and location examined by CT scanning of cerebral damage and the prognosis of motor functional recovery were explored after rehabilitation. Method: By standard criterion, 35 cases including 19 cases with cerebral haematoma and 16 cases with cerebral infarction and brain softening. There were 24 male and 11 female at age of 16~70 years old, were chosen from 78 cases in our studies. The transverse sections of CT with 1cm scanning thickness were used to examine the cerebral damage of patients. Result:The poor recovery of fine motor in hand and ankle extension was found in the damage of frontoparietal lobe with Barthel index 100. In patients with damage of some basal ganglia and the genu of internal capsule, there was poor recovery of fine motor in hand with Barthel index 100. In patients with total damage of internal capsule in size of 43.6±21.3cm3, the motor functional recovery was 69.2±7.3 evaluated by Barthel index, in Ⅱ level 2 cases,Ⅲ level 5 cases, Ⅳ level 5 cases,Ⅴ level 1 case in upper limbs, Ⅱ level 6 cases,Ⅲ level 4 cases,Ⅳ level 3 cases in hand and Ⅳ level 13 cases in lower limbs by Brunnstrom. Conclusion: The size and location of damage examined by CT scanning are helpful to predict the prognosis of the re[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 聋儿言语康复方式与康复效果研究 下一个医学论文: 慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者社会支持状况及对生命质量的影响