构音障碍综合性评价量表的编制 |
汪 洁1
摘要 目的:编制一个既能对各发音器官的运动功能进行评价,揭示受损功能及受损程度、指导治疗,又能反映不同类型构音障碍言语特征变化的构音障碍综合性评价量表。同时,确定各检查项目的正常值。方法:在Frenchay构音障碍评价法的基础上,增加了咽反射、最大呼气时间、闭唇力量、下颌功能、腭咽机制、舌运动范围、错音,以及40个言语特征的分级评价。对84名正常成人实施呼吸、唇、喉、舌、言语检查中需确定参考值范围的13个检查项目。结果:统计了84名正常人13个检查项目的平均值、标准差、范围,并初步确定了正常值。结论:该评价量表的编制,使运动性言语障碍的评价更加全面。正常成人的抽样检查结果,为各项检查提供了正常参考值,为构音障碍的诊断分类、疗效观察提供了工具。 关键词 构音障碍;综合性评价;运动性言语障碍
Revision of comprehensive assessment of dysarthria/WANG Jie//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1998, 13(6):242~244 Abstract Objective:To adopt and develop a dysarthria assessment, which can be used to assess the motor speech disorder, disclose the areas and degress of affected speech and reflect the change of speech characteristics in different types of dysarthria for Chinese patients.Method:On the basis of Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment, the test of pharynx reflex, maximal exhalation time, strength of lip close, lower jaw function, soft palate and pharynx closing mechanism, range of tongue movement, error articulation in reading and assessment of 40 speech characteristics were added. Some test items were revised. 84 normal Chinese adults accepted the test on respiration, lips, tongue, larynx in order to determine the normal value of the test. Result:The mean, standard deviation, range and suggested normal values of 13 test items were calculated. Conclusion:Dysarthria assessment makes assessment of motor speech disorder more comprehensive. The test result of normal adults provides normal referential value for Chinese patients. It is an easy assessment used for classification, observation of treatment effect of dysarthria. Author′s address Hebei Provincial People′s Hospital, Shijiazhuang, 050051 Key words Dysarthria; Comprehensive assessment; Motor speech disorder
构音障碍是指因神经肌肉的器质性病变,造成发音器官的肌肉无力、瘫痪,或肌张力异常和运动不协调等而出现的发声、发音、共鸣、韵律、吐字不清等异常。构音障碍言语损害的程度与神经肌肉受损的程度是一致的。言语肌群的运动速度、力量、范围、方向和协调性影响着言语的清晰度。 构音障碍评价量表应尽可能对所有发[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 颈性眩晕患者症状与功能评估的初步研究 下一个医学论文: 急性重度有机磷农药中毒42例分析