颈性眩晕患者症状与功能评估的初步研究 |
王楚怀1 卓大宏1
摘要 目的:探讨颈性眩晕患者的症状和功能的评估方法。方法:在对179例颈性眩晕患者临床资料统计分析的基础上,参考有关康复评定资料,制订出《颈性眩晕症状与功能评估量表》。该量表包括五大项:眩晕、颈肩痛、头痛、日常生活及工作、心理及社会适应。每项均分为5个等级,全表满分为30分。并试用于46例颈性眩晕患者的评估,对该量表的效度及信度进行初步的研究。结果:该量表有可以接受的重测信度(r在0.6~0.9间,P<0.01)及准则效度(r在0.8~0.9间,P<0.01),内容及结构基本合理可行。结论:该量表可用于评价颈性眩晕患者症状与功能状况,但有待于进一步完善及研究。 关键词 颈性眩晕;评估;效度;信度
A preliminary evaluation of symptoms and functions of patients with cervical vertigo/WANG Chuhuai, ZHUO Dahong//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine,1998,13(6):245~247 Abstract Objective: To evaluate the symptoms and functions of patients with cervical vertigo (CV). Method:With reference of the related literature about rehabilitation evaluation, a scale called Evaluation Scale for Cervical Vertigo was designed on the basis of analysing the clinical material of 179 cases of patients with CV .The scale comprises five parts, namely, vertigo, pain on neck and shoulder, headache, activities of daily living, psychological and social adaptation. For each part 5 degrees were ranked. The full score for the scale is 30. 46 patients with CV were measured using this scale to investigate its validity and reliability . Result: With preliminary test, the scale was demonstrated with fairly good criteria validity (0.6<r<0.9, P<0.01)and test-retest reliability(0.8<r<0.9, P<0.01). Conclusion: The Evaluation Scale for Cervical Vertigo was found rational and applicable in assessment of symptoms and functions of patients with CV. Author′s address Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Affiliated First Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences,Guangzhou,510080 Key words Cervical vertigo; Evaluation; Validity; Reliability
颈椎病表现复杂,分型繁多,各型症状不尽相同,疗效评定相当困难。目前除脊髓型颈椎病有初步的评定方法与标准外〔1〕,其他各型颈椎病缺乏统一的、量化的评定标准与指标。文献所见评定方法都是根据患者症状改善与生活、工作恢复的情况分为治愈、显效、好转、无效或优、良、可、差等级别,各家标准不一,可比性差,影响了研究与学术交流。进行疗效评定的量化的研究,已成为颈椎病研究领域的动向之一〔2〕。 颈性眩晕发病率高,诊治棘手,多数患者深受其苦,影响生活和工作。据文献[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 早期强化训练对急性脑卒中患者生活自理能力的影响 下一个医学论文: 构音障碍综合性评价量表的编制