局部脑缺血 再灌流损伤与氧自由基的关系 |
石正洪1 关永林2
摘要 目的:探讨氧自由基在脑缺血、再灌流损伤中的作用, 为临床进行抗氧化治疗提供依据。方法:用Wistar大鼠制成左侧大脑中动脉缺血、再灌流模型,观察生化代谢、自由基代谢、组织和超微结构改变。结果:再灌流组较缺血组血清CPK增高、MDA升高,再灌流组脑组织中MDA升高,血清中SOD活力下降,再灌流组脑组织结构和超微结构破坏更加严重,应用自由基清除剂后血清中CPK降低,MDA含量降低,SOD活性升高,组织中MDA含量亦降低,超微结构较前好转。结论:自由基反应增强是脑组织缺血、再灌流损伤的主要原因之一, 应用自由基清除剂可减轻对脑组织的损害。 关键词 缺血;再灌流损伤;氧自由基;自由基清除剂
Relationship between cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury of local cerebral tissue in rats and oxygen free radical/SHI Zhenghong, GUAN Yonglin//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1998,13(6):254~258 Abstract Objective: To investigate the relationship between cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury and oxygen free radical.And to provide the role of the free radical scavengation therapy in ischemic cerebrovascular disease.Method:Left middle cerebral artery(MCA) ischemia/reperfusion models of Wistar rats were made. The changes of biochemical metobolism and oxygen free radicals in serum and cerebral tissue in periods of ischemia and reperfusion were observed. At the same time,the protective effect of mannital and VitC were assessed.Result:The serum level of creative phosphokinase(CPK) and malon dialdehyde(MDA) was higher,but superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity was lower during reperfusion than in the ischemic period.The tissue structure and ultrastructure were damaged more seriously in reperfution period. After treated by mannital and VitC, the level of CPK and MDA in serum was lower, but SOD activity rasied, and the ultrastructure was better. Conclusion:Increasing of oxygen free radical reaction is an important reason of ischemia/reperfusion injury. Free radical scavengers could decrease the injury. Author′s address Department of Neurology,Second Affiliated Hospital, Institute of Neurology Lanzhou Medical College,Lanzhou,730030 Key words Ischemia;Reperfusion injury;Oxygen free radical;Scavengers
缺血、缺氧组织在再灌流时损伤加重,即缺血、再灌流损伤,目前研究表明,自由基的链锁反应是脑组织缺血、 再灌流损伤的核心病理环节,虽然全脑缺血、再灌流损伤与氧自由基关[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 多模式方法诊断 一种新的脑中风后抑郁的评测方法 下一个医学论文: 早期强化训练对急性脑卒中患者生活自理能力的影响