止血带张力对浅静脉充盈度的影响 |
白丽梅 傅常清 郭欣欣 段阳
摘要 目的:确定能使上肢浅静脉有良好充盈度的止血带张力,以利于静脉穿刺的操作。方法:192例患者随机分成A、B、C 3组,每组64例,在每例患者的前臂中下1/3处绷扎连接有压力表的气囊止血带,每例操作7次。观察3组使用不同张力止血带时手部浅静脉的充盈度。结果:A组与B组,B组与C组充盈饱满的例次数之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),A组与C组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 :B组止血带张力为浅静脉最佳充盈度所需的张力。 关键词 浅静脉充盈 静脉穿刺 止血带张力
Study on the effects of Different Tourniquet tension on the Turgidity of Superficial Vein
Bai Li-mei,Fu Chang-qing,Guo Xin-xin,et al
Abstract Objective:To seek for the appropriate tourniquet tension at which the superficial vein would have good turgidity at which perfect venipuncture would be obtained. Methods:192 patients were grouped randomly as group A、B and C,with 64 patients in each group. Pneumatophore tourniquet with a pressure meter was fixed on the inferior part of the forearm of each patient. The procedure was repeat for 7 times on each patient.The tension in group A was light (<10.7kPa).It was medium in B(10.7~16.0kPa),heavy in C(>16.0kPa).The turgidity of the superficial vein was observed.Results:Good turgidity was obtained in 72 cases in A,412 cases in B,and 52 cases in C.There were signticant differences between groups A and B(P<0.01),and Band C (P<0.01),but not between A and C (P>0.05). Conclusions:The tension of tourniquet in group B obtains the best turgidity of the superficial vein, and it may be the best choice for venipuncture. Author s address The 463th Hospital of PLA,Shenyang,110042 Key words Superficial vein turgidity Venipuncture Tension of tourniquet
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 选择1998年5月至1999年5月在我科住院接受静脉输液1周以上的成年病人192例,男120例,女72例,年龄18~72岁。 1.2 方法 按病人入院顺序,随机分成A、B、C3组,每组64例。各组均取仰卧位,手置于心脏同一水平,分别用轻(A组)、中(B组)、重(C组)3种不同张力绷扎止血带,3组止血带的绷扎位置均在前臂中下1/3交界处。使用连接血压计的气囊止血带,充气时观察血压计压力表的数值。A组的止血带张力<10.7kPa(80mmHg),B组止血带张力为10.[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 护理干预对非接触眼压计测量结果的影响 下一个医学论文: 住院学龄期儿童的医疗恐惧及其影响因素